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Best pub tab in Perth Western Australia?

West Australian Racing
kuepperkuepper    11 posts
edited October 2023 West Australian Racing
Wanted to get some feedback on what you all felt was the best options re; pub tabs in the Metro area?

Looking to expand my horizons and see what hidden gems there are which you all can recommend!

So let's have it all - where's the best pub tab in perth?



  • mcginty71nzmcginty71nz    195 posts
    wish it was the beldon but its not.
  • JazzHJazzH    314 posts
    The Kardy Tavern!
  • DecDec    147 posts
    Ozzy Park not bad since its reno. Carine also ok. Its not a Melbourne Cup field though.
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts

    Ozzy Park not bad since its reno. Carine also ok. Its not a Melbourne Cup field though.

    No Saturday plodders ?
  • mcginty71nzmcginty71nz    195 posts
    ozzy park not bad, 100m from work, can skive off at any stage, perfect!!
  • ChrisChris    5,412 posts
    I'm an Ozzie man too, can't knock the Charles either - plenty of veterans to have a beer and a yarn with :D

    What's the mighty quinn like?
  • DecDec    147 posts


    Ozzy Park not bad since its reno. Carine also ok. Its not a Melbourne Cup field though.

    No Saturday plodders ?
  • dungydungy    9,278 posts

    I'm an Ozzie man too, can't knock the Charles either - plenty of veterans to have a beer and a yarn with :D

    What's the mighty quinn like?

    Mighty Quinns ok Chris ive had a few ales and punts inthere a bit on the small side but worth a look me and mate went to the gate the other week thats was good

    Chelsea likes this post.

  • TheFunksterTheFunkster    3,840 posts
    Sorry, don't rate the Carine. Of the ones i've been to;
    1) The Gate
    2) Botanica
    3) The Wembley
    4) The Mt Henry
  • ericwanduericwandu    544 posts
    I like the herdy and saint.
    Would also rather the carine over Botanica and wembley. Both dry tabs aren't they

    hash likes this post.

  • TheFunksterTheFunkster    3,840 posts

    I like the herdy and saint.
    Would also rather the carine over Botanica and wembley. Both dry tabs aren't they

    Those two both ok also.
    Yep both dry, but doesnt bother me to actually put my beer down every now and then :abeer:
  • ericwanduericwandu    544 posts
    Haha yeah fair call.
    Also couldn't leave the obh out of favs either
  • JordanJordan    1,827 posts
    The gate 8)

    Ask Reggie for a tip he's always happy to give one :wink:
  • LuckyLongshotsLuckyLongshots    4,270 posts
    Been to the Herdsman a few times, very good with a pub on one side and restaurant on the other side.

    Lot of screens, but not sure how it compares to the above examples, think they might be streets ahead - will have to spend a day at the Charles with the locals! :lol:
  • HenleyBrookHenleyBrook    408 posts
    The Inglewood isn't too bad.
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    The Pineapple in (Bris)Vegas and the Ivanhoe in Sydney (Manly)
  • ph3varph3var    64 posts
    I like the Ozzy Park and Mt Henry.

    Gate is my local and probably most expensive beer SOR.
  • FilletFillet Posts: 1
    Best TAB in Perth would have to be the Carlisle I have been going there for years now always made to feel welcome young guy behind counter always helpful love to chat with anyone about sports always happy and friendly great pub as well
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    the charles will be the best this arvo with the esteemed presence of....wait for it...diva, chris and the falcon!!! :lol:

    Manchild likes this post.

  • helmethelmet    50 posts

    The Inglewood isn't too bad.

    Can you have a bet there though?? Only been there once i thought the tab was separate and maybe over the road or something??
  • RIORIO    14,892 posts

    the charles will be the best this arvo with the esteemed presence of....wait for it...diva, chris and the falcon!!! :lol:

    Geez..thanks for the invite mate!!!!..although isn't there a law prohibiting any more than 3 PTTers in one place at one time :lol: :lol:
  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts


    The Inglewood isn't too bad.

    Can you have a bet there though?? Only been there once i thought the tab was separate and maybe over the road or something??
    its at the back of the pub, definitely joined on, but not the main bar.
  • Mike73Mike73 Posts: 1
    You have obviously not been to The Odin Tavern in Ballcatta... Best by a mile !!!

    Meathead, hash, SKIDS likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts

    depends where you live. my local is the charles...lets face it all you want is a beer and a bet.

    whilst not a pub tab the dogswamp tab is great. run by shane plumb, the owner/trainer of galoubay.

    lame likes this post.

  • licklick    337 posts

    The absolute worst is the Commercial Hotel at Northam - disgrace. Drinkers punters can actually watch the screen from the bar to see what you bet or collect !?


    Aussiereds72, RIO likes this post.

  • LuckyLongshotsLuckyLongshots    4,270 posts
    Hyde Park is superb - albeit small with lots of screens and then opens up into the front bar with pool tables, AFL on the big screen and bar for beer/drinks - all within 10m of each other!

    Carlosa, Tivers, hash likes this post.

  • paraleticparaletic    3,750 posts

    the charles will be the best this arvo with the esteemed presence of....wait for it...diva, chris and the falcon!!! :lol:


    not sure why but everytime i get a winner they never have any bloody money in the till! they must run with a $100 float..........

    Jordan, RIO, lame likes this post.

  • robs777robs777    60 posts
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts

    give me a yell next time you'll be at the charles...we'll live up to your name.:)

    if they run out of readies duck down to dogswamp.

  • CarlosaCarlosa    1,287 posts
    No love for The Hydey?  I like it.

    Charles good value for a days punting too.  Back bar at the Inglewood would be great if they put it in a few self serve terminal things...
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