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New season foals

TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
edited September 2012 Breeding
Anyone got some pics of early foals, feel free to post them up. Our first was on Sept 1.

Street Sense filly out of a Redoute's Choice mare named Atlantico.


  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    Second foal today, High Chaparral - Messenger Miss....a half to Werd and Culprit.

    Has a lovely head I'm told but does that make a difference to the way they run? No pics tho from Coomore it seems.
  • JawdropperJawdropper    29 posts

    I know some who have great heads, long legs, big chests and can't gallop!


    TheDiva likes this post.

  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    Here is our High Chaparral - Messenger MIss foal. What a wicked head marking!

    high chaparral - messenger miss.jpg
    744 x 646 - 325K
  • PrattyPratty    244 posts
    That is cool
  • fifodynamofifodynamo    243 posts
    The Diva said:

    Here is our High Chaparral - Messenger MIss foal. What a wicked head marking!

    Beautiful horse mate , could name it The Sickle,, all the best
  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    yes, already looked it up. Darley have it taken already!
  • TucoolTucool    162 posts
    I like Harvest Moon.
  • darkshinesdarkshines    2,837 posts


    Tucool said:

    I like Harvest Moon.

    Excellent name

  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    That one taken too! All good suggestions though.
  • JordanJordan    1,827 posts
    Communist ;)
  • SPUDLEYSPUDLEY    1,584 posts
    Good luck to my fellow breeder's I'm currently waiting for my two mare's to foal both are in foal to THEROCK a stallion I cannot believe more of you did not support as he was a fantastic type and now is lost to WA and is now in Victoria. His sire is the countrie's hottest sire and we let him go when if he had more support he may have been a leading sire in WA
  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    edited September 2012
    McFlirt - Native Silver colt - half brother to Phenomenal Anemone
    mcflirt native silver.jpg
    480 x 320 - 63K
  • SPUDLEYSPUDLEY    1,584 posts
    Jeez they are so cute when they are just born makes me miss my days on horse stud's handling foals, and makes the waiting harder till my 2 are born next month. Good luck with him
  • My Atacanta  x  Across America colt (Both from Ireland)
    2056 x 1536 - 638K
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    Spitting image of Dad if ever I've seen one

  • DaleDale    1,346 posts
    Tivers said:

    Spitting image of Dad if ever I've seen one

    What sort of posts are they? And is that a first foal?

  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    Galv tube, of dimension I'd have to check
    2nd foal (is a filly)
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    Those only for the strainers though.
    Is generally horserail plastic posts, and horsecoat / hotcoat wire

  • Can small ones be allowed. just proves small mare big stallion no worries. Mares will always win. First foal lucky I went to a big stallion LOL
    Simply Adorable Filly 2012.jpg
    640 x 480 - 93K
  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    Heres our Street Sense - Atlantico filly. She was a bit bashed up at birth, broken ribs....but seems to have recovered now.
    street sense atlantico.jpg
    745 x 635 - 302K
  • TheFunksterTheFunkster    3,840 posts

    My Atacanta  x  Across America colt (Both from Ireland)

    I hope he gets his attitude from his father and not his mum, if it's the one i'm thinking of 3:-O
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    A Blackfriars on the left, and a Universal Ruler on the right (both Colts)
    And yes - they're foals, not Weanlings

  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    that bloke must be a midget......
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    Tell you what - they're just about the only two colts we've got !!!
    12 filly's now to 5 colts ! :(
  • ChesterChester    76 posts

    We are running 50/50 this year as we did last year.

    I did a couple of special deals for clients who have had fillies this year following on from fillies last year

    Here is a a nice Planet Five filly

    320 x 240 - 43K
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    An Alfred Nobel born this morning.
    We got 100% Filly's from him :(

  • annandaleannandale    15 posts

    Couple Of Demerit 3 Day Old Foals


    C- Demerit x Natural Thunder.jpg
    569 x 681 - 78K
    C- Demerit x Lunar Moon.jpg
    789 x 958 - 69K
  • TedTed    53 posts
    Universal Ruler filly, half sister to Roman Knows born 9/9, photo when only few hrs old
    3000 x 4000 - 4M
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    edited October 2012
    Yeehaa...................Had a Colt born !!!
    After a run of 6 filly's.
    Like waiting for black to come up after a run of reds on the roulette table..............

    "only" 12 Filly's to 6 Colts now :(
  • ThePrinceThePrince    25 posts
    The Diva said:

    Here is our High Chaparral - Messenger MIss foal. What a wicked head marking!

    Partial Eclipse?
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