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New season foals



  • SPUDLEYSPUDLEY    1,584 posts
    Powerball is $70mil if I win would Singo let me buy a share. [-O<
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,290 posts
    time will tell.....

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  • octaviusoctavius    2,290 posts
    The little Italian breeding maestro says not interested at that price...

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  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts

    778 x 960 - 139K

    Jordan, RIO, Jeanne, Tucool, octavius, Chelsea likes this post.

  • darkshinesdarkshines    2,837 posts
    Frost Giant?
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    How'd you guess ? ;)
  • JordanJordan    1,827 posts
    Maybe when u click on the JPEG it comes up as Frosty bit of a dead give away :-B
  • darkshinesdarkshines    2,837 posts

    Ha, would've guessed anyway? Chestnut with big white blaze and mum not chestnut - not many to choose from

  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    edited September 2014
    How about this one then ?
    (Mare also Bay)

    photo 2.JPG
    528 x 640 - 178K

    Carlosa likes this post.

  • darkshinesdarkshines    2,837 posts
    Uni Ruler? Will that one end up a chestnut at all?
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    Should end up bay - I've returned him as anyway.
    Is by Stratum - half to Rebelson / Rebel King
  • The_BullThe_Bull    919 posts
    Proart colt born this morning. Gotta love daytime foaling. Will put some more pics up once he dries off and is up and about....
    960 x 543 - 99K

    RIO, Carlosa likes this post.

  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    Yeah, our last two have been daytime......
    Must be the moon or something ;)
  • The_BullThe_Bull    919 posts
    A week old now and starting to grow into his legs :)
    960 x 543 - 162K

    RIO, Tucool likes this post.

  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    Sebring x Messenger miss filly. Finally a filly after 4 colts in a row! 

    Sebring x Messenger miss.jpg
    428 x 320 - 56K

    RIO, Tucool likes this post.

  • octaviusoctavius    2,290 posts
    The Diva said:

    Sebring x Messenger miss filly. Finally a filly after 4 colts in a row! 

    I wish I could have a Sebring, hang on I do! Well a bit of its tail anyway...

    RIO likes this post.

  • RIORIO    14,892 posts
    i had the same thoughts about having a Snitzel.....and amazingly i do....even more amazingly its about as big as your share occy!!!!!
    =)) =))
  • octaviusoctavius    2,290 posts
    edited October 2014

    How do you embed a goddamn youtube clip? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit

    RIO likes this post.

  • SPUDLEYSPUDLEY    1,584 posts
    Some good news Asia gave birth to a filly on the 25th alls well everybody involved must be so happy to achieve such a good result.
  • RIORIO    14,892 posts
    very happy to see our first born delivered safely..Mum and bub doing well...This was at 6hrs old. Will post a better photo in a few days.

    Thanks to Touchstone for nursing the mare through, we really appreciate the extra work done over the past 6 months.

    6 hours old.jpg
    960 x 720 - 93K
    6 hrs old Mum and Bub.jpg
    640 x 480 - 44K

    Tucool likes this post.

  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    edited October 2014
    15 foals born : 10 Colts (1 Dec'd), 5 Fillies
    Three to come (all Trade Fair's funnily enough - he must have slow swimmers ;) )
  • RIORIO    14,892 posts

    Maybe just proving that they will go the distance!!!!

    Good ratio this year Tivs..congrats on that spread of colts. Always a shame about the one not making it.

  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    Yeah, especially considering who it was and how his older full brother is looking................... :(
  • RIORIO    14,892 posts
    okay, last photo...4 days old, happy and healthy

    Flying Peg filly out of Musical Dane
    Dane Marie 3 091014.jpg
    480 x 640 - 83K
  • TheFunksterTheFunkster    3,840 posts
    Henny Hughes filly, 12 days old

    HH filly.jpg
    960 x 540 - 144K

    Tucool likes this post.

  • TheFunksterTheFunkster    3,840 posts
    edited October 2014

    Henny Hughes filly, 12 days old

    Looking good one week, fighting for its life the next
  • RIORIO    14,892 posts
    hope she comes through funky...hard to get another one
  • TheFunksterTheFunkster    3,840 posts
    Had to be put down on Monday, septicemia. Was a nice, correct filly too.

    RIO, Carlosa dislikes this post.

  • RIORIO    14,892 posts
    Horrible news funky.. being a HH doesn't make it any easier
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    Sorry to hear that Funk.
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