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Magic Millions 2016



  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts

    I've heard Jim gets to pick for Sam this year. Well at least the ones he wants. Just rumour, I will check with Jim next time I see him.

    That being the case, I can concentrate on my photo exhibition and not worrying abut driving around to farms prior to the sale.

    I'm working night shift at the Casino these days, so if you find out, can you post it here so I can relax and enjoy the next few weeks without the untold hours of research I do into each sale. Breeding analysis, making sure the Vet is available on both those days for anything more than x-ray examinations etc, looking at stock walking around the sales yard and talking to Vendors who want to try and influence the purchasing process I go through.

    So I can save all that time and hit some Golf balls instead on my days off. So you use your connection or friendship or whatever it is, but post here so I know what is happening please.

    I will ring Sam when I climb out of bed later today, as I have just done 10 hours at work, and ask him if that is his intention, because all of the above will seem like a complete waste of time and good Golf weather if I don't.

    I'm more than happy to have a year off. 
  • lamelame    1,757 posts
    :-S Odd sort of comment Damien , being your main client I would of thought you'ld have a good relationship with him and regular communication ~O)
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    edited December 2015
    lame said:

    :-S Odd sort of comment Damien , being your main client I would of thought you'ld have a good relationship with him and regular communication ~O)

    I have an outstanding relationship with Sam and we have almost daily contact as a result.  He is mystified by the comment made by Colourful RD. 

    But seeing how RD has a "special relationship" with Taylor Racing, and I'm just the guy who buys horses for Sam, maybe just maybe, the original comment was nothing more than fanciful from someone who knows three fifths of fourth eighths of **** all ?

    That's why I made the throw away comment regarding playing Golf. I'm a bit more serious about buying yearlings than hitting a little white ball around these days.

    RIO likes this post.

  • ColourfulRDColourfulRD    480 posts
    We will see at the Sales. I'm of the understanding after the Passenger you bought Jim was told he has final say. Sam wouldn't keep you in the Dark would he.
  • paraleticparaletic    3,750 posts
    Whoever has final say, im sure net result will be the same. Some good horses, some bad horses. I really think yearlings are lotto.

    RIO, thefalcon, Carlosa likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,290 posts
    yes, para, more like powerball lotto.
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts

    yes, para, more like powerball lotto.

    Yes, there are winners every week. Just like Powerball.
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    Was at a loose end on New Year's Day, so I thought I would follow up on purchases made from the 2013 MM Perth Sale and see how they were progressing. It's very early days, but more than half are already race winners, and Let It Slip is the best performed being a Stakes winning filly already. The top ten sellers were:

    1. War of Whispers - War Chant out of Most Secret $250,000 5 starts 1-1-0 $17,225

    2. ? - Oratorio out of True Surrender $230,000 exported to NZ

    3. War Prodigy - War Chant out  of Admiring $200,000 10-2-1-1 $28,555

    4. ? - Savabeel out of Mamma Rose $200,000 exported to NZ

    5. Suboric - War Chant out of Innsbruck $200,000 5-1-2-1 $23,805

    6. Bombs Away - War Chant out of Metallic Storm $170,000 2-2-0-0 $43,200

    7. Annie's Luck - Medaglia D'Oro out of Secret's Out $160,000 8-0-1-1 $7,975

    8. Costa Rock - Encosta De Lago out of Dancing Pago $130,000 2-0-0-0 $0

    9. Doubt She's A Lady - Not A Single Doubt out of Lady Mulan $130,000 7-1-0-1 $20,510

    10. Let It Slip - Not A Single Doubt out of Oopsy Doopsy $130,000 7-2-2-1 $142,575

  • RIORIO    14,892 posts
    1 out of 10 paying its way...sounds like an expected return to me. Bombs Away and War of Whispers could still step up to the plate, then it would be 1 in 3 and a very good return
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    Mentioned on the 'Delicacy' thread.

    Having sold her dam, Simply Wicked (Scenic) in foal to Al Maher, for the
    sum of $4,000 in Sydney,  how much personal pressure might be being
    felt by Bob Peters to bid at the Magic Millions Sale in four weeks for
    the full brother, Lot 140 ?

    This yearling is one of the best
    bred on offer in the sale. Now a full relation to a $2M mare that could
    finish her career with double that amount again. Bob breeds horses not
    based on their sires stud fee, but on proven crosses that produce stakes
    winners. He rarely breeds to unknown quantities, or at least I can't
    find one where he goes off the reservation in search of a champion.

    So if this Colt passes x-ray and conformation exams by buyers, anyone want to put a guess on his selling price ?
  • ColourfulRDColourfulRD    480 posts
    wasn't Delicacy in the Peters reduction sale before she raced and he withdrew her? 
  • darkshinesdarkshines    2,837 posts

    wasn't Delicacy in the Peters reduction sale before she raced and he withdrew her? 


    Piston_Broke likes this post.

  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    MM Gold Coast just went ballistic over the first three days. Gross at $102M. An increase of 32%
  • paraleticparaletic    3,750 posts
    Can anyone explain the drastic increase? I know the property market went bonkers over there. Plenty of investors flush with cash??
  • PimlicoPimlico    39 posts
    Unfortunately W.A.'s sale is very much removed from the eastern seaboard. Doesn't necessarilly follow the a rise in prices as seen last year. Was the 2015 sale rock bottom or will it be another painful couple of days for W.A. Breeders?
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    I have indications that some clients will tighten spending and perhaps instead of several horses, maybe just one or two. It will be quality over quantity and if the right horse is not available, then nothing will be purchased. This is nothing out of the ordinary, but it's not easy winning races in Perth when you are faced with the firepower of Bob Peters. So the market may dictate that Vendors have to make the uncomfortable decision of lowering their expectations this year and just banking some cash rather than nothing at all due to unrealistic reserves.

    Second and third tier East Coast buyers may attend our sale, as they are being excluded from the huge prices being paid for stock on the Gold Coast this week.

  • LeglessLegless    5,108 posts

    :-? Why aren't WA buyers ( other than Miller and Parnham usually) more active at the bigger sales on the East coast?
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    edited January 2016
    No WestSpeed
    (And they're unaffordable. Never get your money back, let alone profit)
  • LeglessLegless    5,108 posts
    Most of the ones bought over East will not show a profit.
    The % of horses that collect a Westspeed cheque would be low I imagine.
    I think it might be time WA buyers ( those with the expendable cash ofc ) need to lift their eyes.
    If what Damien eludes to is correct ( BP's firepower) and the stock is not available here why wouldn't you look further afield?
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    You answered your own question with your first sentence legless.
  • LeglessLegless    5,108 posts
    IMHO it does not matter where it is bought from - the chances of showing a profit are slim.
    As you know you either breed your own or buy. If you choose to buy and you have the cash I believe you are greatly reducing your chances of getting that elusive "good one"  if you only shop at the Perth MM sale.
    Just my opinion :-??

    RIO likes this post.

  • OhsomodestOhsomodest    67 posts
    Can anyone suggest a website that would tell me all progeny of a given mare? I've subscribed to Pedigree Query, Australian Studbook and Breednet but none seem to offer this level of information.
  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    Just comes down to whether you're buying (at any price) in attempt to get a good one, or you're looking to be profitable.

    Most of those big lots at this weeks sale are sold through syndicates where the purchasers don't care about the money. That's fine, and their prerogative...
  • tonytony    2,407 posts

    Can anyone suggest a website that would tell me all progeny of a given mare? I've subscribed to Pedigree Query, Australian Studbook and Breednet but none seem to offer this level of information.

  • tonytony    2,407 posts
    Don't know what happened there but one site is racing australia


    Pedigree search offers the option of entering mare's name and progeny will be listed

    Bucks likes this post.

  • RIORIO    14,892 posts

    Can anyone suggest a website that would tell me all progeny of a given mare? I've subscribed to Pedigree Query, Australian Studbook and Breednet but none seem to offer this level of information.

    On Australian studbook go to one of the drop down bars at the top of the page and the list will have on it ...Australian Breeding record....and there you have it. but it will only show the Ausatralian ones

    Bucks likes this post.

  • lamelame    1,757 posts
    If paid up on stud book will show you all Australian offspring , named , unnamed , served by -- ect
    Pedigree query if right click on the name on the 5x pedigree page will show progeny for most but not all named-raced

    Bucks likes this post.

  • LeglessLegless    5,108 posts
    edited January 2016
    So far it looks like only 6 heading to WA

    SA buyers on the other hand have managed to acquire 20
  • FreoHitmanFreoHitman    426 posts
    Legless said:

    :-? Why aren't WA buyers ( other than Miller and Parnham usually) more active at the bigger sales on the East coast?

    perhaps a few still burning from last year
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