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A more important question is where will you find your next one TB??? I've found one i like and that was only cos it got pointed out to me...But if i like it, so will others and when there are so few too like the chance is that it will be bid out of my expected price range, as there are so few to like!!!!!!
I'm breeding, but the bulls we have are so hit and miss that's hard to do as well....
:-? :-??
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I got lucky and bred one that could run otherwise would also be a couple of hundred K behind #:-S
:-? Self declared mug though :\"> more than likely will have another go in years to come
PS TB - you dont have to breed them for 'em to have a blue with a fence!! #-o those from the sales are just as good at it :((
RIO, MinesACorona likes this post.
I am aware of that a lot more now that I was 4years ago...and I was warned. We are 200k in the hole and one year to go of a 4year plan, that I expected to eat up 300k. We have also just bought a rural property to reduce some of the growing costs.. So really you could take that figure out close to 800k - if you included the property!!!!! The first of them will hit the track this year.
I had done the sales thing and blew 80k on my first one, and 70k on the next, so 150k over 2 years and only one got to the track and the other had 4 runs without scaring the cheque winners. I also had shares in a couple of others that did nothing from the sales.. Obviously we have had a few winners around those ones, otherwise I'd have given up ages ago.
So I realise its a mugs game, but we only have one opportunity in life to waste this sort of money and if I left it any longer I would've been too worried about spending my retirement funds and would have always had that "what if I was that lucky breeder" thought ringing9in the back of my head!!
Have planned to be either having success, making money, or got out of them (full ownership and breeding) by the time I'm 55 (3 years away) so I will have 3-5 years to save the money required to get me back on an even keel for retirement.
The challenge to have that champion is deep rooted in all us mugs that buy or breed. So I'm making sure I have a shot at both, before I'm in a position that I cant.
Thoroly_Bread, jum, nosoup4u likes this post.
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Rex, Thoroly_Bread likes this post.
Can someone please pick out their Auction topper???? i've tried and found a few that i will have a look at but i cant find the Auction topper!?!?!
RIO, FreoHitman likes this post.
Tivers, RIO likes this post.
Disregard - just saw the other thread.
EDIT...Just read it starts at 5pm!!!!! how the hell are you meant to get in there at that time of the day!!!
Only joking...i should be able to get in there, now to work out where to park!!
Surely vendors can go into MM Perth with at least some optimism. Hopefully Magic a Millions have done a little more to attract some eastern states buyers. Last year was disappointing to say the least!
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