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AFL 2022



  • ManchildManchild    772 posts
    He has gone out in sympathy for Pike !
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    edited January 2022
    ^^^^^Thats one way to get out of training.
    I heard he was going to get the jab today but after McGoo basically put an end to the W.A teams chances with last nights backflip he said stuff it.  
  • oldhendooldhendo    777 posts
    Maybe he can leave the West Coast Retirement Village and go to Sydney.

    =)) =)) =))

    Manchild, freodockers likes this post.

  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    Very humorous Oldhendo. 
    Reading some more info on the Darling situation. Seems all is not well in the “birds nest”.
    Oh well. 
    Darling with a couple of kids won’t want to be doing the McGoo enforced “hub life” anyway.
    This years AFL competition will be a farce. 
    Looks like we will have to do something else in the winter rather than go to the footy….like punt !!!


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  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    Already checking out are we Detto.
    As a Freo supporter I am looking forward to this season and the next 10.

    oldhendo likes this post.

  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    Yes I have checked out.
    McGoo won’t allow anyone into the state because our hospital system won’t be able to cope. 
    His backflip exposes his mishandling of that sector.
    So what football are we going to see here ?  
    And our teams won’t hub again.
    As a Freo supporter enjoy your East Fremantle South Fremantle Derby’s.
    I will be focussing my attention on Flemington and Randwick. 

  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    Yep harping on about how great your club is and one little hiccup and you all go missing blaming McGoo.
    Well I don’t see any other clubs pulling out.
    Don’t use Covid as an excuse for your clubs current shambles. It’s been brewing since Willy didn’t understand the rules.
  • oldhendooldhendo    777 posts
    Yes, i was looking forward to the further demise of the little budgies. I am sure the AFL will not wont to miss out on a few bucks so they will have some form of comp in mind.
    Who takes part will be interesting.
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    McGoo won’t let anyone into W.A so any AFL here is non existent.
    W.A is starved of any live entertainment of any form involving “non” West Aussie participant’s.
    If both W.A teams elect to hub in the east, half of each teams best 18 won’t travel. So we will be left with development teams to follow.
    Yes…..I have checked out 
  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    I see Darling is about to pull the old mental health excuse so he can continue to leach WC.

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  • RIORIO    14,892 posts

    I see Darling is about to pull the old mental health excuse so he can continue to leach WC.

    Someone tried that at work....doesn't work...moved on this week
  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    If the AFLPA has anything to do with it, it will work.
  • RIORIO    14,892 posts

    If the AFLPA has anything to do with it, it will work.

    The process that he has gone through, causes stress, so therefore the claim of illness due to the process is an expected outcome. Then again these are softkok footballers, so probably have an exemption from teh real world!!!!

    freodockers, oldhendo, Manchild likes this post.

  • ChariotsonfireChariotsonfire    2,949 posts
    Eagles $2.10 to make the eight and Dockers $3.50. Any thoughts on that?
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    edited January 2022

    Eagles $2.10 to make the eight and Dockers $3.50. Any thoughts on that?

    Considering the W.A teams will be playing most of their matches in the Eastern States with their development squads I wouldn’t be putting money on either team.
    What are their prices to not make the eight ???
  • ChariotsonfireChariotsonfire    2,949 posts
    Based on those prices Eagles are $1.90 and Dockers $1.40 not to make the eight.

    Do you agree that the Eagles are a much better chance of making the eight than the Dockers?
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    Eagles are no chance of making the eight.
    So yes Dockers are more likely to make the eight.
    You have a younger list. A more hungry list. More players that don’t have kids. 
    Our coach is on the nose if you believe what you read.
    Our captain continues to have hamstring issues. He is a day to day proposition.
    Think I may take some of the $1.90 you quoted Chariots. 

    oldhendo likes this post.

  • ChariotsonfireChariotsonfire    2,949 posts
    I don't disagree Deto that is why I think the $3.50 is overs.
  • RIORIO    14,892 posts

    Eagles $2.10 to make the eight and Dockers $3.50. Any thoughts on that?

    Really tough year ahead for both at this stage, with our border situation. If it changes in the next month, i got a feeling that the Dorkers will tighten up on those odds.

    As for he Eagles, i dont think I'd take 10's at the moment but would be tempted if the border opens up.....But $2.10 to make the finals is way under. Darling and Shoey missing. Hurn and Kennedy a week to week proposition. Nic nat, will struggle with Allen having to go forward all the time.

    Will always hope that my Weagles will make the 8, but wouldn't be putting a dollar on them at those prices!!!
  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    Gotta ask Chariots did you get those odds from the West Australian ???
  • ChariotsonfireChariotsonfire    2,949 posts
    Prices available on Sportsbet.

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  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    Little bit of damage control for a ship with no rudder.

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  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    Can’t believe I am actually agreeing with you Freo.


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  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    I knew I would win eventually.

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  • oldhendooldhendo    777 posts
    Puck me, its taken more than three years but Deto has seen the light. Good on you son we knew the therapy would work. <:-P

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  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts

    I knew I would win eventually.

    what is that saying "you may have won the battle but........"
    As soon as "brand Fyfe" runs out on to the field this season I dare say I will declare victory because there will be plenty of ammo for me to work with. Haha

    As for you Oldhendo you have one of those ticking time bombs as well in the name of DeGone.
    He is one stubbie or snort away from again being in the news for all the wrong reasons. Haha.

    Come and get me ya bast***s. :P

    freodockers, oldhendo likes this post.

  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    Reading your shit always makes me look forward to the footy season Detto.
    Maybe we should all chuck in a thousand bucks and get a box at Optus.
    Maybe Not !!!!
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    edited February 2022
    Happy to fire up some passion for the the upcoming footy season.
    Wouldn’t worry about the box at Optus cause the only thing that will be going on there is watching the grow lamps keeping the turf growing.
    We have about as much chance of watching AFL in W.A in 2022 as Mark McGoo never repeating his favourite “go to” line ….. “on the advice of the Chief Health Officer “ ever again.

    Manchild likes this post.

  • oldhendooldhendo    777 posts
    Thats it young fella, keep on punching. Dont worry yourself about Jordan, there is enough crap gong on in your little group to keep your mind busy.
    It looks like it will be a long season and not very good for your boys but dont worry lad, Freodockers and myself will be here to guide you through.


    detonator, freodockers likes this post.

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