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East Coast Racing
Was watching the races yesterday,and tuned into Thoroughbred Central Channel 528 on Foxtel. Richard  Callender was the in house presenter. 

Now, I hadn't seen him for a long time, and got a shock. The man has literally exploded. he doesn't have a neck. His head just connects with his body. He's fuken huge, and frankly, he's a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen. I actually like him, or should I say,  used to actually, like him.
He was a stirrer, and used to express his views and didn't give a stuff about the powers that be.

Then he gets caught in that crook horse sale, for organising kickbacks on the sale of a horse with Waller's then foreman Liam Prior and gets rubbed out for 6  months, and disappears. When he comes back,he makes a few appearances on Sky, and next thing he's the CEO of the NSW trainers association.How the fk does that happen? Probably the old not what you know but who you know was responsible for that.

The second that happens, he becomes just another shill for Racing NSW and an anal orifice licker to Peter V'landys.  Where he might have had a go at PVL in the past, now, PVL is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Richie wants everyone to know that the Everest is better than the Melbourne Cup in every which way, bla bla bla.

A bookie mate of mine in Sydney, reckons he's one of the more obnoxious blokes he's ever met.

Anyway, all that aside, he should be put forward by the Australian Medical Association, as an example of what not to do with your body, as you develop and mature. I may not like his opinions on racing anymore, as it's obvious he's working for the man, but he's about the same age as my oldest son, and it does sadden me  when I see young men and women in their thirties and fourties exploding like he has.


  • ThunderstruckThunderstruck    7,696 posts
    Been a humungous porker for a fair while though hasn't he BL? May have eaten his dad recently lol
    Don't hear much about the controversies re him if at all over here, always has been a vocal bugger(loud-mouthed so also assume he has his share of haters)which I don't mind say what you think.
    Though now Raceshit oops sorry Racenet has a subscription requirement I can't even read his articles, did notice his bias in a headline re what's bigger the Everest or MC, it's no contest the Cup all day everyday imo.
    I barely give a stuff about that showboat race and the same horse.keeps winning it!..and group 3 class horses get a gig if they have someone stump up the cash it's virtually a nothing race worth way too much money.

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  • savethegamesavethegame    2,968 posts
     -- Ritchie call and collect --- part of the Lil Caesar(gang) & Liam Prior knowledge He needs to go back on the Weiss & Sandor diet .he lost 25kg when he had to  tell them his mob tickled the peter for 50K.

    Kudos to Ritchie for his efforts with 4 tracks 4 kids-----Seems now 1track 4pies.
  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    edited October 2022
    LOL Thunder.I haven't seen his old man for a while, so you could be right. I never had an issue with him expressing his opinion, when he actually meant what he said. That's all changed now. 

    As far as my bookie mate is concerned who said that he's an obnoxious bloke, Richie would go into the betting ring, and racially vilify a particular bookie with snide remarks, about the bookies heritage, until one day, another very well known bookie, yelled at him in the betting ring in front of all the punters, and called him for everything for doing it. That shut him up very quickly.

    As to the Everest, the Coolmore at Flemington will be a much better race overall, with a few of the Everest runners and other sprinters who aren't in it. It was a terrific race last year. When you think about it, Federal Parliament sits on Melbourne Cup day, and they halt proceeding's so that they can go and watch the Cup. Do you reckon that would happen if the Everest was run during the week?

    And finally Raceshit as you rightfully call them.You have to pay $4.99 a month to get Brassel and Mark guest's and a few other geniuses' tips. I recall that after it had been going for a month, Mark Guest tipped a quaddie which paid 5 grand, in his first five selections, and they went ape shite over it.

    Since then, i.e. the last four months, not a peep out of them. A mate of mine, whose wife  used to religiously follow Brassel's tips on Sky, decided to fork out the 5.00 for the tips. She's tossed it in. Reckons, that he's become hopeless, to the point where last week he didn't tip a winner.

    Savethegame, 100% agree with you about his charity work. Even a racist, and convicted fraudster can do some good sometimes.

  • Vincent_vegaVincent_vega    590 posts
    edited October 2022
    Bloke shouldnt have a job after the Little Cesare kickback fiasco. At that point i lost all respect.
    Waller should have been rubbed out too - completely disgraceful behaviour but when you are too far up the tree its “nothing to see here, move on”
    But imagine a bank manager ripping off 50k…… where would he/she end up???

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  • detonatordetonator    4,387 posts
    Went to the Carbine Club luncheon one day and Richie was a guest speaker.
    Told a few gags and he was hilarious.
    For those that attended and can remember the one where he was playing golf and was sweating on a double that he had coming up which lost. Think the second leg was Might and Power. Phuck it was funny. His round went to $hit after his moral got beat.
    Reckon he would have plenty of punting stories to tell at sports nights etc.

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  • MarkovinaMarkovina    3,088 posts

    Bloke shouldnt have a job after the Little Cesare kickback fiasco. At that point i lost all respect.
    Waller should have been rubbed out too - completely disgraceful behaviour but when you are too far up the tree its “nothing to see here, move on”
    But imagine a bank manager ripping off 50k…… where would he/she end up???

    Yes i agree with you re that episode

    Ray Murrihy who was presiding over it - summed it up perfectly - dishonest and there was another word which he used which ive forgotten - and Callendar didnt like that

    Prior to that - i must say - back in the TVN Days ( and boy did that company/organisation know how to burn through the cash ) - but each Friday they had a preview show - it went for an hour - the races - the AFL and the Rugby League - they previewed that - with all the betting markets 

    Frank someone hosted it ( a failed actor - who was hellbent on at least being on a TV screen ) - there was Ritchie - they flew some oldish bloke up from Melb to preview the AFL - and they had some ex Canterbury Rugby League player ( and i think there might have been a bit of controversey with him - might have decked someone at the end of his career ) who was the Rugby league re betting markets expert

    I found that show highly entertaining - and enjoyed watching it on a weekly basis - each Friday

    hash, bookielover likes this post.

  • Vincent_vegaVincent_vega    590 posts
    edited October 2022
    I think his name was Frank Coletta? Show was called “the right odds”

    Good show, i have to admit

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  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    detonator said:

    Went to the Carbine Club luncheon one day and Richie was a guest speaker.

    Told a few gags and he was hilarious.
    For those that attended and can remember the one where he was playing golf and was sweating on a double that he had coming up which lost. Think the second leg was Might and Power. Phuck it was funny. His round went to $hit after his moral got beat.
    Reckon he would have plenty of punting stories to tell at sports nights etc.
    He'd be a lot of fun to spend a night with, especially with a few beers in him. 

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