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Everest race.

East Coast Racing
Maligned to the moon and back is Vlandy's but have a look at the farken crowd at Randwick, looks like a winning concept to me the joint is rocking and packed out.

I'm Cup as our No 1 race and always will be but he is an innovative bloke.
+1 -1

rustyh likes this post.


  • ThunderstruckThunderstruck    7,696 posts
    And then Giga Kick wins it lol

    rustyh, thefalcon likes this post.

  • JimmyPopJimmyPop    351 posts

    Maligned to the moon and back is Vlandy's but have a look at the farken crowd at Randwick, looks like a winning concept to me the joint is rocking and packed out.

    I'm Cup as our No 1 race and always will be but he is an innovative bloke.

    V'Landys is a genius. He leaves all other racing administrators looking like complete idiots.

    Thunderstruck, Manchild likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    not according to Bookielover.....^

    yeah thunder the crowd was unreal! maybe after weeks of rain and some sunshine brought them out.
    great to see young clayton douglas win the everest...5 o/o 5 for the winner. just wait for the offers to come in for him. he's a gelding so no breeding prospect.
    now the big question, what in the hell do they do with him now? a good dilemma to have, but.....
  • PictureSon1973PictureSon1973    142 posts
    V’landys is a winner Controversial definitely, Abrasive absolutely but credit
    where it’s due in respect to Racing had the support & backing but taking corporates to
    court for product fee was imo a stroke of Genius and has overtaken Vic Prizemoney
    and is a better product .
    Vic Administrators twiddling there thumbs our product is the best we have the cup
    basically blowing hot wind up each other’s clacker .
    In regards to the Cup apart from tradition are the horses involved relevant to racing
    participation throughout the course of the year ?
    Whereas it could be argued that The Everest does have a longer residual affect through the
    course of the year.
    V’landys dacked them and got the Spoils that to me is clever , cunning & smart.
    We’d die to have a Administrator with his aggression in Business with ample
    State Government & Industry support.
  • ThunderstruckThunderstruck    7,696 posts
    thefalcon said:

    not according to Bookielover.....^

    yeah thunder the crowd was unreal! maybe after weeks of rain and some sunshine brought them out.
    great to see young clayton douglas win the everest...5 o/o 5 for the winner. just wait for the offers to come in for him. he's a gelding so no breeding prospect.
    now the big question, what in the hell do they do with him now? a good dilemma to have, but.....

    Win a couple more of them Falc, I reckon they would.be mad to sell him extremely unlikely to flat out just won't happen.
    The old boy was a bit stiff Jmac couldn't get in, he stuck like a tiger til the last 50.
    20 minute Iater Waller wins the Caulfield Cup for anyone feeling sorry for him.

  • hashhash    7,495 posts
    Why would they sell him when the horse has just won them millions! Selling horses is all about the business aspect of racing and they’re definitely not short of a dollar now after yesterdays win
    Bank the prizemoney and continue racing and enjoy the journey
    If it had of ran second and they were still able to attract multi million dollar offers THEN you’d have to give it serious thought to sell
  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    edited October 2022
    If there is one thing that I have always agreed with where both Ken and Richard Callender are concerned, it is that PUNTERS pay for racing.  

    Yes, you need breeders to breed horses, and owners to buy them, and pay the training fees, but without the commission taken out of each dollar bet by us, racing would die, because horses would be competing for peanuts. 

    In past years, pre TAB, prize money was woeful, and the only way for an owner to get a decent return on his horse, was to set it up for a race, walk around a bookies ring at Flemington or Randwick where 400 bookies plied their trade, and back it for decent money.

    Today, you probably don't need to back your horse to get a decent return,although with training fees on the rise, you probably need a city win, or two decent Country wins to cover your expenses, especially if you are the sole owner of the horse. 

    I give V'landys credit for getting the best return possible for racing in his State from the Corporate bookmakers. He's also been very clever getting business and Government funding for racing in NSW. 

    But he's got it when the economy has been booming, and it will be interesting to see what happens if/when we hit a recession. Inflation is going up, interest rates are going up, the hip pocket is being hit, Government budgets have blown out and the Federal Treasurer keeps warning us of tough times ahead. 

    Will he keep getting NSW government support to keep this concept going. Will business still be prepared to tip in. Or will it all comedown to the millions of dollars of sponsorship from the TAB, whose share price is in the toilet, or maybe, if they pull out, will a Corp want to sponsor a race promoted by a man who seeks to tax the tripe out of them.

    There were 45,000 there, and if you took a good look as the camera panned over the crowd, they were mostly young people getting drunk. We will have the same at the Melbourne Cup Carnival. After this week, aside from perhaps the 10 million dollar race at Rosehill, you won't see them again. It's the same in Melbourne and every other State.

    It was a terrific race, and happily I backed four horses in the race including the winner, and won something. 

    At the end of the day, the racing industry depends on the return from the punting dollar. Betfair is where much of the big money is turned over, because the big punters who are banned from the TAB fixed odds markets and the Corps, and those who don't want to bet into markets of 120-130% bet there. 

    On top of that, everyone from Tabcorp to every Corporate to every on course bookmaker,  are both looking at, being guided by, and betting into, Betfair.

    The Everest, with all of its massive hype, should have seen at least 3 million matched on Betfair. It was1.75 million. The Caulfield Cup with about 25% of the level of publicity engendered by the Everest, matched over 1.8 million.

    My previous post, was purely about turnover,and does the small turnover, in relation to the event and all it's hype, justify the expense and the restricted nature of the race.

    It's the same with the Kosciusko. Every race in Melbourne including the first which matched $1.3 million on a 6 horse three year old fillies race, beat the $550,000 matched on Betfair for the Kosi.  It's a great concept, but does the  financial return to the industry, justify the millions spent on promoting it.

    If Peter is getting funding from Government, that is, the tax payer, well done. But, in my opinion,I don't reckon it will last if the economy goes south.  It will be interesting to see, what the next few years does to that event, and the other multi million dollar races that Pete has put on up against Melbourne racing.

    All that aside. The facts are indisputable. No matter what V'landys does, and he has been as innovative as any administrator of any sport has ever been, and perhaps more so, punters still prefer to bet on Melbourne racing by a long long way.

    Here are the total Betfair figures to prove it. These figures,which are win bets only, are available to see if you go to the Betfair results service, and only apply to when betting closed on the event in question, and do NOT include money bet during the run.

    Total matched on 10 races on Betfair at Caulfield rounded to the nearest dollar by me. 

    Total matched on 10 races on Betfair at Randwick rounded to the nearest dollar,

    Difference between Caulfield and Randwick $6,585,000.

    I reckon that speaks for itself.

    savethegame likes this post.

  • ManchildManchild    777 posts
    Bookie, Have a look at the quaddie , in Vic The quaddie pool is far larger than NSW as well

    savethegame, bookielover likes this post.

  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    edited October 2022
    Meatpie, Melbourne quaddie pool is up to four times bigger than NSW depending on the meeting.
    Also, even the Perth Quaddie, the pool can get up to $300,000 in it, especially now with daylight savings, against an average $500,000 pool in NSW where you would think the public know the form a lot better.

    There are rumours going around about Queensland and Sydney racing and Queensland trots of stuff going on, and the public won't bet where they aren't confident.

    Saw a beauty at Redcliffe trots the other day while having the races on in the background. 

    A horse is leading. Horse on its back is being driven by Taleah Mcmullen.  The heavily backed favourite is behind Taleah's horse locked in for all time, three back on the rails.Come to the home turn, Taleah's is trotting, the leader is still going well enough for her to wait, and all she needs to do is wait for the sprint lane, go through and win. Favourite  is bolting, but can't possibly beat hers, unless a miracle occurs.

    Well,the favourite gets its miracle. As they reach the home turn,the horse in the death drops back a bit, enough to let Taleah's horse out, if she wants to go that way, but it's totally unnecessary because it doesn't drop back anywhere near far enough to let the favourite out off the fence,and even if it did, at that point in the race, Taleah's horse would have been off and gone along the sprint lane.  

    What does she do, she comes out, gets to the outside of the leader, allowing the fave to take her position behind the leader. She goes past the leader easily, but the favourite, has the run on the sprint lane and beats her by half a neck. I haven't seen, nor do I really care about the Stewards report if there was one seeking an explanation for a drive which by her actions allowed the favourite to win the unwinnable, but that was about as hot as I have seen it for a while. The fave can't possibly win, if Taleah stays where she is and uses the sprint lane.

    Now , I had no interest in the race,other than watching out the corner of my eye while doing some stuff on my computer. But if you backed her horse you would be entitled to be filthy.

    So how can anyone have any confidence in States where they don't police the game as strictly as they do in Victoria. Anyone got any questions about Wallers? Have stewards in NSW ever NOT accepted an explanation from the stable? Do you reckon Weir would have been rubbed out in NSW or Queensland?

    That's why punters bet on Melbourne racing in their droves, because it's the cleanest, as far as it can be, racing in Australia, and perhaps the world. As I said above, the figures don't lie,
  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    hash said:

    Why would they sell him when the horse has just won them millions! Selling horses is all about the business aspect of racing and they’re definitely not short of a dollar now after yesterdays win
    Bank the prizemoney and continue racing and enjoy the journey
    If it had of ran second and they were still able to attract multi million dollar offers THEN you’d have to give it serious thought to sell

    The bloke who owns him is a billionaire.I have known him a long time. To say he's eccentric would be an understatement.  
  • jumjum    3,555 posts
    How's the sire of Giga Kick. 
    Scissor Kick now standing in Morrocco for about $850 Australian dollars. 
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    did you see a camera pan to jamie kah as the horse won, her gloved hand flew to her mouth. probably thinking: "i could have ridden that if ........."*
    * lets not go there...

    Thunderstruck, Manchild likes this post.

  • ThunderstruckThunderstruck    7,696 posts
    Yeh she looked pretty embarrassed.
    He would be one happy chappy C.Douglas.

    Manchild likes this post.

  • Vincent_vegaVincent_vega    590 posts
    From my experience hoes are pretty hard to embarrass
  • detonatordetonator    4,387 posts
    thefalcon said:

    did you see a camera pan to jamie kah as the horse won, her gloved hand flew to her mouth. probably thinking: "i could have ridden that if ........."*

    * lets not go there...
    Where did you see that Falc ?
  • Precision1Precision1    555 posts

    From my experience hoes are pretty hard to embarrass

    Moderators need to pull this sh*t into line. That’s a disgusting comment. Where’s your criticism of Melham and Zahra if what your going on is what went on in the Air BNB?  Why does a women cop your **** weak comments you would never put your own name to when the blokes don’t?  

    SLIPPERGOLDEN likes this post.

    Great to see the battlers getting a race for themselves.
  • PCPC    2,257 posts
    The Everest - Winners: Timeform Rating

    2022: Giga Kick - 124

    2021: Nature Strip - 127

    2020: Classique Legend - 128

    2019: Yes Yes Yes - 125

    2018: Redzel - 126

    2017: Redzel - 125
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