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East Coast Racing
 If you ever you  thought, like Peter V'landy's, Ray Thomas, Glen Munsie, Richard Callender, and scribes on the Raceshit site,that, putting on  $2,000,000 and $15,000,000 races would in some way affect the Melbourne spring carnival, todays figures on Betfair,  in no uncertain terms, should see the end of the discussion. Then again, getting 40,000 plus drunks there who don't bet, is some sort of an achievement, isn't it?

They spent months beating up two races in particular,  on the Sky racing Channels. Full page advertisements, buy a $5.00 ticket and have the chance of a horse running for you.in  The Kosciosko.  It IS a great innovation for country horses and their trainers and owners, but from a purely betting point of view, IF you take the turnover on Betfair as an indication, it's a complete dud.

On the Kosi, and only because they ran 4 minutes late allowing for more betting time, Betfair matched, $553,000. It just goes to show you, you can pump up races as much as you like, but it doesn't always work out. And turnover for V'landys and Racing NSW is what it's all about because the bigger the turnover on Betfair, the bigger their take. races one, two and three at Caulfield, beat the Kosciusko holdings by $830,00, $ 540,000 and $920,00, respectively  Those three races had no publicity about them whatsoever. 

Then we had the BIG event, the Everest. Months of publicity. Wrap around pages in newspapers, here in Melbourne, and possibly all over the Country. Wall to wall coverage on Sky, racing, and even the Sky News Channel, with a one hour show every Saturday morning, adds on regular TV, and good old Richie, carrying on on Raceshit, how it's all bigger than the Melbourne Cup, let alone the Caulfield Cup, a select field of the country's best sprinters, and what do Betfair finally match on the race.....$1,786,000.  The costs associated with the publicity on both races would be millions. Do you reckon they got a return on their money for Peter V'landys ego trip.

The first race at Caulfield, a 6 horse ordinary race held just $400,000 less. The third, a group 3 with 8 horses, around $300,000 less.

And then, with all the hype concentrated on the Everest and away from the Caulfield Cup,which  if you were being honest, aside from the class horse, Gold Trip, was an ordinary handicap race, Betfair still matched $1,820,000 beating the Everest by  $34,000.
Not one race outside the Everest, hit $1,000,000 matched on Betfair, at Randwick. In fact the range for all other races went from a low of $320,000 to a high of $677,000.

Compare that to the first three races at Caulfield, race 1, for 3 year old fillies with 6 runners, race 2 a BM 80 handicap, 9 runners,  and race 3 a group 3 with  7 runners. 

Betfair matched, on race 1  $1,392,000 , on race 2,$1,046,000 and  Race3, $1,417,00. The bottom line is, punters, at least tjhose inhabiting Betfair, don't like to bet on Sydney racing.

V'landy's and the rest will keep pumping up their carnival, but the figures don't lie.It makes me anyway, wonder, if it's really worth their while from a turnover point of view and the commission they get back to run those races. 

Then again, he'splaying with the TAB's money.
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