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- bookielover October 2022
- thefalcon October 2022
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East Coast Racing
I'm led to believe that a greyhound from the kennels of a top Victorian greyhound trainer returned a positive swab recently.
Apparently, the trainer was told about it and then it was recommended that the trainer get their house in order.
All greyhounds have apparently, been moved out of that trainers kennel to another trainer.
The results of the swab should now be released, and a disqualification should take place. Thoughts are that the disqualification will not be longer than three months and may even be shorter. Once completed, the dogs will be returned to the original trainer.
Let's just say, people in the industry are not happy. Thus far, there has been no newspaper reports about the swab, the positive result, or any disqualification. Stay tuned, that is, unless they bury it.