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Having said that he is a very tall young fella but he doesn’t get anywhere near it in centre bounce.
Body on body (boundary) he got into it.
Cole and Duggan big improvers, McGovern warmed up right in front of me and he was avoiding any contact and looked ginger as anything. I don’t normally watch opposition players warm up just happened to be right in front of me and I like him as a person and player, feel for the guy. Don’t think he should have been out there from the start.
Cole has been out of action for nearly 18months and Duggan is another Petroviski who should’ve been got rid of at the end of last year
And they are both big improvers???? On what??! They both did nothing on a football field for 2 seasons!!! Hahaha
The weegirls still have 4-6 players that need to go. On top of Shuey, Nic Nat and McGotasoresomething
None of them will be here for the next rebuild. Get rid of them and buy a few more 50-100 games who want to play the modern game Instead of continually fixing up broken champions who just will never stop trying for the club. They doe their bit.
Celebrate there greatness. Don’t let Shuey, Nic Nat and McGovern ever again feel like they have let the team or club down. They are champions of the club.
Let them retire in greatness. Hand the batten to the new team. And be a steadying influence off the field to instil their attitude into the next generation.
IMO the Weegitrls Board need to step up to the plate now. Spend the season retiring and celebrating the listed champions, to make room for anyone in any team that wants to be apart of a team with a winning history and a good list of young players getting heaps of opportunities.
thefalcon likes this post.
Eagles transition I mean.
Jordan Hunt fits the bill perfectly for what they needed to do..But they only got 1.....They just cant attract even better quality players than him to the club while these champions are on the list...
St Kilda still shit are they ??
You have no idea.
Sunday night he worked out that someone should ask questions why Weagles have so many injuries.
What a genius
Forget about waving your hands, umpires should have a boometer & if it goes over a certain level free kick the other way.
That will stop it in its tracks.
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listen you deadset pharkwit. i did not address one comment to you.But you feel that your justified in directing comment after after post towards me!?!??!?!?!
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RIO likes this post.
I was having a look at the rag today when getting a coffee and from memory there were no less than 7 photos of Nic spread over 3 pages.
Sells merchandise and sells papers apparently.
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RIO, oldhendo, detonator likes this post.
That’s another reason not to get it. I got hounded by family for not putting one in last year….those who didn’t know didn’t need to know. So if I’m not staying in contact these days with someone, whether they are alive or getting a one liner in the obits, makes no di????
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