Stewards, are re-opening their investigation as a result of video evidence tendered in the court case which they did not have when they rubbed him out for four years,. I reckon they will give him another 5 years at least.
The amount of money they will have to spend to whitewash this latest evidence out of the public eye will be extraordinary. I can't see how his sentence is less than 10 years of they are serious.
Weir's Ban of 4 years ends at midnight on feb 6th,next monday,apparently will be allowed back on course after that.
The new inquiry opened into his actionis is still on going,so any decision to allow him back on course ,should be held back until that inquiry has been completed.
Remembering the 4 year ban he recieved was only for having those jiggers in his possession and not for what he done to those horses, which has now been proven in a court of law.
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