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  • Precision1Precision1    555 posts
    edited February 2023
    Interesting why this is happening there but not here as yet?  Clearly the one thing we can be 100% sure of is it’s not because the companies are worried about their customers welfare.  

    UK government denies they are forcing the betting companies to do it which I don’t take on trust, the other reason would be their laws expose them to law suits when a big losing punter complains they weren’t stopped?
  • ThunderstruckThunderstruck    7,696 posts
    I could be wrong..but aren't poker machines a much bigger problem here?
    The powers that be can't get a handle on that significant problem so I guess racing and sports betting is down the priority list further(or not even on it).
  • Precision1Precision1    555 posts

    I could be wrong..but aren't poker machines a much bigger problem here?
    The powers that be can't get a handle on that significant problem so I guess racing and sports betting is down the priority list further(or not even on it).

    That could be correct but don’t think those that want racing banned for “ethical” reasons won’t try and push this case as a backdoor way to erode it.  

    Thunderstruck, SLIPPERGOLDEN likes this post.

  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    With great respect to those punters. Go to the bloody race course and bet with the on course bookies. As long as you hand over your cash, they won't give a stuff whether or not you can afford to have a bet.
  • GilgameshGilgamesh    4,972 posts
    Smart betting club have some good chats around this on their podcast.

    Man the UK book making system is miserable towards a punter.

    This is just another case of how they can milk even more from people AND come out like they are trying to be the good guy.

    Example you're a CEO on a million pound a year, well sir you can clearly afford to be losing 10,000 pound a week completely unchecked, go for your life. Infact you've lost well in excess of a million pound in the last 5 years, good for you-heres a couple of odds boosts for you to enjoy.

    You're a professional punter who has made 150K in the last year but have had a bad week and need to contribute money back in to the corporates. "Sorry sir but as you have no stable income we will need to limit you to a 10 pound weekly deposit limit, for your own good of course".

    And the governing body that is supposed to be in place to protect the punter just rubber stamp it all and then give themselves a pat on the back.

    JimmyPop likes this post.

  • detonatordetonator    4,387 posts
    I got my Bet 365 account closed after they did a welfare check and I answered their thorough questions truthfully.
    I had only been betting with them for about 15 years.
    Example Do you feel anxiety when you have a larger bet than your normal size bets…..yes.
    Any punter who answers no is BS.
    There was a heap of questions angling towards “mental health” etc relating to gambling.
    To this day I believe I was a scapegoat for that company to prove to the authorities that they are following the govt guidelines to responsible gambling. 
    Bet 365 needed to get their numbers up to appease the authorities. I was one of those numbers.
    So my advice to anyone getting this attention, answer every question to show you are in control of your gambling. Your heartbeat doesn’t alter during a race. You have a million dollars in the bank. You are not worried about the size of your bets. 

    I would be interested to know if anyone else has had this kind of interrogation from any of your corporate bookies.

    Thunderstruck, Gilgamesh likes this post.

  • ThunderstruckThunderstruck    7,696 posts
    I don't use them often so nothing to report in that sense..funny to say this but their "generous" $10 bonus(fishing)bets they were giving me..actually ended up giving the the shits lol

    I recently got the DCM email from Betr, who didnt like me winning on 2 of their flippant promos then not giving the money back I guess lol
    So I told them to get stuffed(i did so twice because and hour later they emailed me about all the promos they had just taken off me lmao)

    Have had the same prob in the past with Pointsbet and Neds before them but no "welfare" type surveys ....interestingly.

    detonator, Gilgamesh likes this post.

  • GilgameshGilgamesh    4,972 posts
    I found NEDS terrible, offering everything and anything yet every sat arvo the site would crash and you couldn't get a bet on!
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