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WA Derby 3rd November

Harness & Greyhounds
I would like to get some of the $3.50 from the price assessor for Never Ending on the HRA Fields. 

Opened $1.34 on Tabtouch.and $1.45 on Bet365.


  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    Well considering he got a free hit out last Friday night at GP under lights while his competitors got fat sitting in their boxes at home with no race he should be $1.10.
    Integrity at its best just like GP last night.
  • MarkovinaMarkovina    3,085 posts
    Biggest joke re the Derby field - is how in hell Louie Dior got in the field - only 29k in stakes and hasnt run quick time  - some in the consolation have banked over 100k 

    Last start it was behind the leader and was gone 2 laps from home - and skittled everything following it on the pegs 

    Beaten 205 metres - no abnormalities reported - stood down for a poor performance and ordered to do a trial 

    In summary it hasnt got flash form re mile rates etc - and a horse who goes that badly and they dont know why - there could be an underlying issue with it - so you dont include it in a WA Derby - thank goodness it didnt draw gate 1 

    freodockers likes this post.

  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts

    Well considering he got a free hit out last Friday night at GP under lights while his competitors got fat sitting in their boxes at home with no race he should be $1.10.
    Integrity at its best just like GP last night.

    There was a 3 year old race they could all race in, Never Ending couldn’t as he was stood down 7 days from the scratching the week prior
  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts

    Well considering he got a free hit out last Friday night at GP under lights while his competitors got fat sitting in their boxes at home with no race he should be $1.10.
    Integrity at its best just like GP last night.

    There was a 3 year old race they could all race in, Never Ending couldn’t as he was stood down 7 days from the scratching the week prior
    Why was he stood down ???
  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts

    Well considering he got a free hit out last Friday night at GP under lights while his competitors got fat sitting in their boxes at home with no race he should be $1.10.
    Integrity at its best just like GP last night.

    There was a 3 year old race they could all race in, Never Ending couldn’t as he was stood down 7 days from the scratching the week prior
    Why was he stood down ???

    Scratched from having a cold the previous Friday mandatory 7 day stand down
  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts
    Run heats.

    angelarobinson, LightningJake likes this post.

  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    So he’s stood down for seven days cold.
    But you can trial under lights at GP because of ???
    Complete joke it should have been bad luck your horse has a cold 7 days tell us when he’s ready to start.
    Why would they need to take him to GP to do track work on a Friday night in between races, it’s absolute crap.
    Tell me where this has ever happened before CHARIOTS.
  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts

    So he’s stood down for seven days cold.
    But you can trial under lights at GP because of ???
    Complete joke it should have been bad luck your horse has a cold 7 days tell us when he’s ready to start.
    Why would they need to take him to GP to do track work on a Friday night in between races, it’s absolute crap.
    Tell me where this has ever happened before CHARIOTS.

    It’s good advertising, My Ultimate Ronnie is going to do the same thing leading up to the nugget. I don’t see a problem with it

    Gilgamesh likes this post.

  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts

    So he’s stood down for seven days cold.

    Another red herring
    But you can trial under lights at GP because of ???
    Complete joke it should have been bad luck your horse has a cold 7 days tell us when he’s ready to start.
    Why would they need to take him to GP to do track work on a Friday night in between races, it’s absolute crap.
    Tell me where this has ever happened before CHARIOTS.

    It’s good advertising, My Ultimate Ronnie is going to do the same thing leading up to the nugget. I don’t see a problem with it

  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
  • ChariotsonfireChariotsonfire    2,949 posts
    Heaven forbid that GP should take advantage of a promotional opportunity leading up to the Derby.
  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts

    Heaven forbid that GP should take advantage of a promotional opportunity leading up to the Derby.

    Yeah wow I can’t believe people would complain about this, like it actually effects their lives haha
  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts

    Heaven forbid that GP should take advantage of a promotional opportunity leading up to the Derby.

    Should I expect anything less, you still haven’t answered my question. Sticking up for old mates I see.
  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts

    Heaven forbid that GP should take advantage of a promotional opportunity leading up to the Derby.

    Should I expect anything less, you still haven’t answered my question. Sticking up for old mates I see.

    Think you’ll find Justin would of preferred to work him at home, he was brought to GP to work as a promotional thing for betterment of the industry

    Gilgamesh likes this post.

  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    Well you just answered the million $ question.
    Who in there right mind would throw the integrity of the race in the bin by pulling such a stunt.
    I couldn’t care less who it was, from a betting point of view they have just destroyed the biggest 3yo race of the year win lose or draw.
    BTW who were they promoting it to. The only thing I saw about it was on this thread.
    All 5 of us.
  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts

    Well you just answered the million $ question.
    Who in there right mind would throw the integrity of the race in the bin by pulling such a stunt.
    I couldn’t care less who it was, from a betting point of view they have just destroyed the biggest 3yo race of the year win lose or draw.
    BTW who were they promoting it to. The only thing I saw about it was on this thread.
    All 5 of us.

    Don’t understand how it’s changed anything to do with the race this week, it’s all over twitter you can tune in there and watch it plus interviews etc whilst he’s working
  • Chopchop43Chopchop43    304 posts


    love you guys hey , we need to do something to promote the industry , next minute there giving one of the rising stars of the game a chance to do an open work out on what is our biggest weekly stage and you want to shit on it ?? What harm is something like this doing really ?? Pretty sure we did something similar leading into the inter series or one of the bigger races here not long ago

    Cant_Refuse likes this post.

  • Chopchop43Chopchop43    304 posts

    Well you just answered the million $ question.
    Who in there right mind would throw the integrity of the race in the bin by pulling such a stunt.
    I couldn’t care less who it was, from a betting point of view they have just destroyed the biggest 3yo race of the year win lose or draw.
    BTW who were they promoting it to. The only thing I saw about it was on this thread.
    All 5 of us.

    Don’t understand how it’s changed anything to do with the race this week, it’s all over twitter you can tune in there and watch it plus interviews etc whilst he’s working

    it hasn't changed anything it's just people whinging for the sake of whinging
  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts
    Never Ending working in between races is the very least of our worries as an Industry, not even a blip on the radar.

    There are more than enough excellent 3 year olds to run heats this year (not always the case) and the  racing manager or programmer should have the flexibility to say that given the population, we will run 3 heats, first four to the final. Split the seeds amongst the heats.

    Very promotable in the lead up both to the heats and the final and removes all the innuendo and suggestions of nepotism and favoured treatment. If you miss out, it is a reminder it is racing, it is not simply an industry for the ruling class.

    At the risk of inducing nausea amongst the beautiful people, I go back to Nixon Adios in 1976. The whole town of Northam engaged in the heat process and the Friday Night of the final would have been a good night to do house burglaries in the town. He won and Jesse Moore was honorary mayor for about two months.

    sonny, angelarobinson, LightningJake likes this post.

  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts
    JayJay said:

    Never Ending working in between races is the very least of our worries as an Industry, not even a blip on the radar.

    There are more than enough excellent 3 year olds to run heats this year (not always the case) and the  racing manager or programmer should have the flexibility to say that given the population, we will run 3 heats, first four to the final. Split the seeds amongst the heats.

    Very promotable in the lead up both to the heats and the final and removes all the innuendo and suggestions of nepotism and favoured treatment. If you miss out, it is a reminder it is racing, it is not simply an industry for the ruling class.

    At the risk of inducing nausea amongst the beautiful people, I go back to Nixon Adios in 1976. The whole town of Northam engaged in the heat process and the Friday Night of the final would have been a good night to do house burglaries in the town. He won and Jesse Moore was honorary mayor for about two months.

    Don’t mind heats but don’t think they bring the greatest spectacle in regards to a final, bad horses can map well in a heat and get into a final. Takes away the overall depth and quality of the end product.
  • licklick    337 posts
    Re the WA Pacing Cup next week - what price Loyalist getting a start just because it has travelled from the east - badly out of form, (ran 11th last Friday and 7th 3rd 10th and 4th previous starts) and not racing this Friday!!??

    If it gets a start and robs a local of a chance - then that would be a bad reflection on the selection panel. Just saying. In fact it would be a tragedy for some local trainer/owner!
  • GilgameshGilgamesh    4,972 posts
    R1: No1 The Code breaker is a good multi anchor, hopefully gets out a bit more to around the $1.50 range. Just leads and wins. Something drastic goes wrong No7 Machnificent swooping is the danger. EQ:1,7.

    R2: I feel Montana Glory could hold up here if it wanted to and I think they might. Steno can run ripper times on top but if she's kept out it could be interesting. I've had something EW No10 Born To Boogie. Not as impressed with its second up run but still happy to keep following, particularly with soft runs like it's going to get tonight. EQ:1,3,7,10

    R3: Interesting race. Rocket City has to be a good chance of crossing them. I thought Star Lavra might end up in the breeze with Crowd Control on its back and No3 Dourado following both of them. @$14 he's a great EW play for me.Lombo Mitchinson leading or leaders back has to go in as well. EQ:1,2,3,4,5.

    R4: Might be a bit of jostling early for his back but Magnificent Storm should be winning. EQ:6. 100% costs $40.

    R5: Really no idea how they run it here but hoping Never Ending sits and comes with one run so Im The Black Flash can follow it the whole way around for personal interest!

    R6: No1 October Reign gets its chance to lead and win here. Vintage Blu will come out and have a brief look landing in the breeze so Major Express might only end up 1 out 2 back-close enough to win it but I just want to see it do it at GP.

    R8: I'm not sure how it wins it but off her last few runs I have to have something on No7 Our Lililou EW. If she can get some sort of track into it she'll win.

    R9: Two bet strategy. At the good double figure I have to have something on No2 Longreach Bay at its first go from the stand, if it happens to lob the front, I don't think they can catch him. The other horse is No6 Gee Smith-he is absolutely flying and deserves a win some time soon.

    R10: Dardy Boy gets yet another chance to get a win on the board but at $2 there's no way I'd want to get involved until he actually shows he can salute. If Ruper Of Lincoln was forward enough I'd have him on top but off his trial i'm not sure he's quite ready to work forward here and then make another run late to see hi in the finish. So that leaves No5 Elwaddell and he's EW all day for sure. I'd love to see him just sit out wide, roll to the breeze and control it from there. He's probably more likely to go back and come with one run but you know with Lindsay on he's going to give him his chance to show what he can do at some stage-stabe is having a good run.

    Good luck all.
  • MoonrakerMoonraker    102 posts
    Markovina said:

    Biggest joke re the Derby field - is how in hell Louie Dior got in the field - only 29k in stakes and hasnt run quick time  - some in the consolation have banked over 100k 

    Last start it was behind the leader and was gone 2 laps from home - and skittled everything following it on the pegs 

    Beaten 205 metres - no abnormalities reported - stood down for a poor performance and ordered to do a trial 

    In summary it hasnt got flash form re mile rates etc - and a horse who goes that badly and they dont know why - there could be an underlying issue with it - so you dont include it in a WA Derby - thank goodness it didnt draw gate 1 
    can someone frame a market - Louie v Skylord H2H?
  • VillageKidVillageKid    2,328 posts
    Race 1-   The Code Breaker,  Machnificent,  Classic Choice,  Cooper
    Race 2-   Acharne Girl,  Taking The Miki,  Steno,  Montana Glory
    Race 3-   Hotly Pursued,  Star Lavra,  Rocket City,  Dourado
    Race 4-   Magnificent Storm,  Chal Patch,  Blitzembye,  Mighty Ronaldo
    Race 5-   Never Ending,  Mister Smartee,  Turn The Page,  Im The Black Flash
    Race 6-   Major Express,  October Reign,  Vintage Blu,  Bee Jays Boy
    Race 7-   Rocknroll Elliot,  El Chema,  Otis,  Lamandier
    Race 8-   Spiritofanangel,  Purest Copper,  Castella Dellacqua,  Unlucky
    Race 9-   Gee Smith,  Extraordinary Mary,  Middlepage,  Alfredi
    Race 10- Elwaddell,  Cut n Run,  Dardy Boy,  High Price

    Gilgamesh, cisco, JayJay likes this post.

  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts
    Moonraker said:

    Markovina said:

    Biggest joke re the Derby field - is how in hell Louie Dior got in the field - only 29k in stakes and hasnt run quick time  - some in the consolation have banked over 100k 

    Last start it was behind the leader and was gone 2 laps from home - and skittled everything following it on the pegs 

    Beaten 205 metres - no abnormalities reported - stood down for a poor performance and ordered to do a trial 

    In summary it hasnt got flash form re mile rates etc - and a horse who goes that badly and they dont know why - there could be an underlying issue with it - so you dont include it in a WA Derby - thank goodness it didnt draw gate 1 
    can someone frame a market - Louie v Skylord H2H?
    Louie 100/1 Skylord 2/1.
  • ChariotsonfireChariotsonfire    2,949 posts
    Happy to back both at those prices Dockers. Bookmaking is obviously not your strong suit.

    jum likes this post.

  • sonnysonny    1,302 posts
    34% Great value..... 

    Chariotsonfire likes this post.

  • freodockersfreodockers    2,667 posts

    Happy to back both at those prices Dockers. Bookmaking is obviously not your strong suit.

    Clever pants, with Marko on this one, Loui should not be in the race based on last two runs.
  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts

    I would like to get some of the $3.50 from the price assessor for Never Ending on the HRA Fields. 

    Opened $1.34 on Tabtouch.and $1.45 on Bet365.

    Other end of scale, Gee Smith at $2.00 and $7.00 on 365? Surely a typo.... or on the cooking sherry very early. And in spite of the ace draws, October Reign and Lamandier at $1.45 and $1.60 are surely significant unders? Better shopping available everywhere.

    There you go Rocket, that makes them a couple of certainties now that I've said that.
  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts
    JayJay said:

    I would like to get some of the $3.50 from the price assessor for Never Ending on the HRA Fields. 

    Opened $1.34 on Tabtouch.and $1.45 on Bet365.

    Other end of scale, Gee Smith at $2.00 and $7.00 on 365? Surely a typo.... or on the cooking sherry very early. And in spite of the ace draws, October Reign and Lamandier at $1.45 and $1.60 are surely significant unders? Better shopping available everywhere.

    There you go Rocket, that makes them a couple of certainties now that I've said that.

    I’ll take some of the 8$ quoted Joelene on Monday aswell haha

    JayJay likes this post.

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