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WA Derby 3rd November
Harness & Greyhounds
Integrity at its best just like GP last night.
freodockers likes this post.
There was a 3 year old race they could all race in, Never Ending couldn’t as he was stood down 7 days from the scratching the week prior
Chariotsonfire, PackedMetalPanda, Cant_Refuse likes this post.
Scratched from having a cold the previous Friday mandatory 7 day stand down
angelarobinson, LightningJake likes this post.
But you can trial under lights at GP because of ???
Complete joke it should have been bad luck your horse has a cold 7 days tell us when he’s ready to start.
Why would they need to take him to GP to do track work on a Friday night in between races, it’s absolute crap.
Tell me where this has ever happened before CHARIOTS.
It’s good advertising, My Ultimate Ronnie is going to do the same thing leading up to the nugget. I don’t see a problem with it
Gilgamesh likes this post.
Rocket_Reign, PackedMetalPanda, Chopchop43, Pinballwizard, Constantlybroke, Cant_Refuse likes this post.
Yeah wow I can’t believe people would complain about this, like it actually effects their lives haha
Think you’ll find Justin would of preferred to work him at home, he was brought to GP to work as a promotional thing for betterment of the industry
Gilgamesh likes this post.
Who in there right mind would throw the integrity of the race in the bin by pulling such a stunt.
I couldn’t care less who it was, from a betting point of view they have just destroyed the biggest 3yo race of the year win lose or draw.
BTW who were they promoting it to. The only thing I saw about it was on this thread.
All 5 of us.
Don’t understand how it’s changed anything to do with the race this week, it’s all over twitter you can tune in there and watch it plus interviews etc whilst he’s working
love you guys hey , we need to do something to promote the industry , next minute there giving one of the rising stars of the game a chance to do an open work out on what is our biggest weekly stage and you want to shit on it ?? What harm is something like this doing really ?? Pretty sure we did something similar leading into the inter series or one of the bigger races here not long ago
Cant_Refuse likes this post.
it hasn't changed anything it's just people whinging for the sake of whinging
sonny, angelarobinson, LightningJake likes this post.
Don’t mind heats but don’t think they bring the greatest spectacle in regards to a final, bad horses can map well in a heat and get into a final. Takes away the overall depth and quality of the end product.
freodockers, Chopchop43, cisco, VillageKid, LightningJake likes this post.
sonny, JayJay, VillageKid, freodockers, cisco, jum, LightningJake likes this post.
Gilgamesh, cisco, JayJay likes this post.
jum likes this post.
Chariotsonfire likes this post.
Other end of scale, Gee Smith at $2.00 and $7.00 on 365? Surely a typo.... or on the cooking sherry very early. And in spite of the ace draws, October Reign and Lamandier at $1.45 and $1.60 are surely significant unders? Better shopping available everywhere.
I’ll take some of the 8$ quoted Joelene on Monday aswell haha
JayJay likes this post.