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Another Cracking Programme At GP Friday Night
Harness & Greyhounds
Plenty of room in the stalls for the much lauded NBM Chickens seeking a place to roost this Friday night.
Just 63 starters, 3 of whom are doubling up from tonight.
All the usual suspects will be tuning their vocal chords ready to pronounce another "cracking night of racing" at Headquarters.
With an allocation from RWWA of $37,000 to run the meeting, it is costing the Industry $587 per starter BEFORE any stakes are paid out.
Some who dared to say that this NBM disaster was coming was got labelled cancerous growths on the industry, negative norms or all manner of other names for simply stating the facts, the bleeding obvious facts.
The usual nonsense will be trotted out by the Geckos, it's a seasonal thing, it happens every year etc....which is frankly complete and utter B/S.
What sort of programming/handicapping/scheduling disaster have we been lead into in the last 5 years? If this is where the premier metro meeting in the peak of the racing season has gotten to....and this isn't a one off of late, then optimistic predictions of the industry making it to the next decade are exactly that....very optimistic.
Those that have lead us down this road must face the consequences, heads must roll.
+1 -1
warrenrobinson, Betonme, Offthebit, LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
AbbysAce, VillageKid likes this post.
warrenrobinson likes this post.
Clearly the "handicapping" system has failed on any measure you would put it up against
VillageKid likes this post.
warrenrobinson, sonny, Offthebit, LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
sonny, VillageKid likes this post.
We must be being shown different figures, what I’ve seen contradicts what you’re saying
LightningJake likes this post.
sonny, warrenrobinson, LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
Cam Brown is the one that showed me the figures, so not sure
freodockers, warrenrobinson, Offthebit, LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
Sort out the handicapping as a start point.
People want to go where they can win races. 82 starters on the tuesday card and it was actualy pretty entertaining, no stars, some pretty slow times but there were some moves, run on winners.
63 acceptors for friday. We were told at the start of all this the system was going to be dynamic, how about programming some lower class races on a friday, even for a tuesday night stake if you have to, get some different people there. The races they are putting on week after week and not getting nom's clearly arent working.
Friday nights were set up for the big dogs, this is what can happen when you have alienated such a large group. When the big stables have a dip, you now have nothing behind it.
LightningJake, Chopchop43, VillageKid likes this post.
Not sure I agree with it being set up for the big dogs, just is what it is the professional stables will adapt regardless, put a maiden on the metro card every Friday and we start buying bulk maidens
freodockers, LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
Agree with some on course stabling, have been saying it forever that it’s an absolute no brainer
JayJay, LightningJake likes this post.
You better not (insert punch emoji)
JayJay, Rocket_Reign, Constantlybroke likes this post.
Bond 0
Brenan 0
Hayman 1
J Prentice 1
Reed 1
Decampo 2
Bell 2
Edgerton-Green 2
To name a few.
I would say the question needs to be asked why do these stables not have more horses working their way through to friday night racing? System not progressing horses properly??
I feel those numbers show there is still plenty of room/requirement for the hobby trainer.
In terms of it being set up for the big boys i guess i mean more set up for a better grade of horse. With the almost abandonment of stands, almost total leaning to random draws it lends itself for the expensive buy to come through and just beat up it's way through the system creating boring racing, short favourites and IMO lending itself to people not wanting to race in that company/look for that type of horse.
Plenty of hobby trainers banging their way around Busso/Albany-again just opinion but if you were looking to do it more as ypur interest than profession it would be more fun poking around those tracks with a cheapy in races you feel you could be competitive where as in the past you would have seen those people grabbing a C3-C5 type horse and trying to win a race or two in town.
Cant_Refuse, JayJay, sonny, LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
You have zero chance of getting an edge be that through having the best mannors in a stand, having a handicap advantage in a stand or knowing that every couple of weeks you might at least get a draw advantage on your more talented rivals.
Who wants to keep a horse here to be a whipping boy for a top liner???
Cant_Refuse, Chopchop43, VillageKid likes this post.
That's why it was frustrating you threw the toys out of the Cot when something like dollars last 3 gets present as atleast an ocasional option for handicapping races. They are still paying out the same amount of prizemoney, there will still be the same amount of winners at GP on a friday night. All it does is present the option for more connections to be driving in to GP with at least some feeling like they might be a chance as opposed to 90% of races where they are practically run (from a tactical view point) once the drivers have done their interviews in the birdcage.
Stands, $last 3 didnt stop someone like JTW from dominating and the top end of town now would adapt just as well.
Gilgamesh, LightningJake likes this post.
Gilgamesh, Betonme, VillageKid likes this post.
I’m not against $L3 and never have been, what I am against is every race being $L3 and not alternating with rbd in my opinion $L3 races really shaft your medium tier horses.
An average but fair horse that runs a place one week from a good draw is then almost non competitive for the next 3 weeks from guaranteed middle row draws. Atleast if there’s a mix of both we as trainers can pick and choose
LightningJake, Chopchop43, Cant_Refuse likes this post.
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LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.