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AFL 2024

detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
I can smell the Dencorub in the air. Footy is almost back.
Eagles to win 6 games this year. 
Harley to win the Rising Star. 
Pressure on Longmuir if the Dickers under perform again. Luke Beveridge waiting in the wings.
Gold Coast will play finals.
Hinkley will not be at Port next year.

Bring it on !!!!!!\:D/
+1 -1

Manchild, jum, RIO, thefalcon likes this post.


  • ManchildManchild    772 posts
    My crystal  Ball is not working at all.
  • jumjum    3,554 posts
    I can smell the Dencorub in the air. Footy is almost back. Love it, Can't wait
    Eagles to win 6 games this year. 3
    Harley to win the Rising Star. George Wardlaw
    Pressure on Longmuir if the Dickers under perform again. Will make the 8
    Gold Coast will play finals. Nope
    Hinkley will not be at Port next year. wont be the year after

    detonator likes this post.

  • GilgameshGilgamesh    4,972 posts
    Interesting to see coach Longmuir has doubked down on his Long Down The Line bre the opposition to death tactic.

    May be the death knock of his head coaching career.
  • oldhendooldhendo    777 posts
    Footy tipping starts soon on espn, just join up to Perth Turf Talk and match wits with the likes of Detonator.

    \:D/ \:D/
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    I have joined up Oldhendo. I look forward to taking you down….again.
    Good luck and may the best tipster win. 

    oldhendo likes this post.

  • oldhendooldhendo    777 posts
    Anna Hay, never heard of her. Where does the Worst Australian newspaper get these people from?
    In her first paragraph she states that if it wasnt for the sold out games of more than 40,000 fans at every game opening round would of failed.

    Having a look at the official stats and only one game got 40,000, one around 30,000 and the other two 20,000. Two paragraphs later she writes that the total attendance was 116,700.
    Please add up the numbers and get the facts correct. The whole article was crap and seems to be written by an 11 year old girl with the sooks on.

    Rant over. I dont like the idea of an opening round but give the AFL credit on trying to do something different but bring on round one.

    spinking, Manchild likes this post.

  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    Would have liked a full fixture round instead of only 4 games. Every year we complain about the bye rounds and yet the AFL give us one straight up. If it wasn’t for the Carlton comeback it would have been rated pretty ordinary start I reckon. For the record I didn’t tip Collingwood Oldhendo. I think I just forgot to tip that game. Oh well.  #-o
  • spinkingspinking    3,900 posts
    Does that first split round give the teams that played it some small advantage going into next weks full round?
  • runyonrunyon    576 posts
    spinking said:

    Does that first split round give the teams that played it some small advantage going into next weks full round?

    Certainly you would have to think that GWS, Gold Coast, Melbourne and Brisbane will have some sort of an advantage over their opponents who didn't play last week.  This has actually happened before back in 1992 and funnily enough the 2 teams who had played the previous week both lost against teams that hadn't played.
    However, back then there was a proper pre-season competition. Now in the Dockers case, we just have a match simulation against the Eagles and one practice game against Port with 8 players on the bench while Brissie get an extra game under full AFL match conditions.
  • ManchildManchild    772 posts
    Colliwables starts early ?

    detonator likes this post.

  • oldhendooldhendo    777 posts
    edited March 2024
    Long way to go yet, the last granny is still warm. :x
  • H-BOMBERH-BOMBER    10,466 posts
    Bit to like about the Bombers today. Expected them to fold like a lawn chair mid way through the last quarter but they stuck on well.
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    oldhendo said:

    Long way to go yet, the last granny is still warm. :x

    Definite hangover. But that is ok. Pendlebury is 36. Sidebottom 33. Howe 30+. Daicos boys more interested in social media. DeGoey satisfied with his medal and playing the goodie two shoes role.
    Lack of hunger compared to GWS and Sydney. 
    Any team would like a premiership hangover in 2024. 

    Gilgamesh likes this post.

  • spinkingspinking    3,900 posts
    Another long season for teh Eagles. If Gaff and Darling get a game next week it just exsposes how horribly wrong their playing list is. Gaff should start wearing a stocking over his head for taking home what he is on a year as compared to what hes worth

    oldhendo, Manchild likes this post.

  • GilgameshGilgamesh    4,972 posts
    spinking said:

    Does that first split round give the teams that played it some small advantage going into next weks full round?

    I think it gives them a leg up in terms of the season overal.

    Bris come to Perth then get a bye to recover.

    GWS the same.

    Meanwhile the two WA teams have to do that trip across the country every second week!

    detonator likes this post.

  • ManchildManchild    772 posts
    If WCE go 0-6 this year, Simmo , Langer and the rest of the board should resign ,imo

    detonator, oldhendo, thefalcon likes this post.

  • ManchildManchild    772 posts
    Where are the Freo supporters ??
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    edited March 2024
    Manchild said:

    Where are the Freo supporters ??

    Still looking for their membership tickets that they tore up and threw in the bin. Lol [-X

    Manchild likes this post.

  • spinkingspinking    3,900 posts
    Deto I am an eagles supporter but don’t think they will win 6 quarters this year let alone 6 games

    oldhendo, Manchild likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,290 posts
    ^ o ye of little faith.......
    they'll win 4 games.
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    spinking said:

    Deto I am an eagles supporter but don’t think they will win 6 quarters this year let alone 6 games

    Yesterday was a tough watch and highlighted the position we are in.
    Skill level was deplorable. The opposition will make this years GF and made us look ordinary as well.
    But we will win a couple of games this year. Players like Chesser and co need to stand up and show a bit. No excuses now.

    Manchild likes this post.

  • MarkovinaMarkovina    3,085 posts
    I posted a couple of years ago - re why do alot of people/supporters get so invested in their club winning an AFL game - and the usual crew rubbished me 

    Well there is a massive story breaking in Melb re drug cover ups etc , players faking injury - when its really they have got drugs in their system - they cant sweep this one under the carpet - its too big 

    And poor Albo - the MP who read it out in Parliament , he wants Albo to clean it up - i think Albo would have more luck with interest rates and inflation 

    It could be all over red rover for the AFL - drugs - fake injurys - and lets not forget that precious Mental health card 

    Bushbookie, Manchild likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Poor Albo , Cops it for anything in Oz these days , Pacers Sulkie gets a flat tire mid race - Blame Albo , Odds on Greyhound gets flattened on 1st turn - Albos fault , Imperitaz gets bloused by Cylinder - Yep Albo again . Cocaine in AFL ( Jesus half the hoops , strappers and trainers in Oz shovelling it down their hooters ) and Albo has to fix it going by Wilkie. Good Luck with that in any part of Australian Society .
  • ManchildManchild    772 posts
    This is going to rock all clubs, hopefully make things far more transparent.
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    Go into the toilets across the grass opposite the bookies ring at Ascot and you would swear with all the sniffing you can hear that there was a flu epidemic.
    When numbers of young people both men and women are hanging outside any of the individual portable toilets like they were at this years Bunbury Cup, you know they aren`t there queueing for that one because it is the cleanest or has the most toilet paper. 
    Just sayin. 

    jum likes this post.

  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts
    CEO Dillon's statement confirms what everyone knew and backs up Andrew Wilkie's assertion.

    If club Doctors get a test result on a player that shows an illicit substance(s) present, they (for "player welfare" reasons and to "protect the game" and stop them being in breach of WADA) pull them out of the game. The slightly twitchy ankle needs to be "rested for another week".

    Dillon says this is all okay as we can't have players on the field with illicit (performance enhancing) drugs in their system and that the AFL is simply protecting reputation of the game?

    Have you ever heard a greater load of bullshite in your life? Who are you kidding Andrew Dillon, the AFL's drug policy is garbage, it has been for decades and it is all about hiding reality from its fans who actually fund the game.

    With slop like this served up, fans would have every right to walk away from the game. It's credibility and integrity is in tatters, fans are being treated as mushrooms. Illicit (not to mention illegal) drug use is being allowed to flourish unfettered as many of these kids (and many are kids, having never ever done anything except play football) try and do the impossible of coping with $800k a year in an environment that still wipes their bums and mollycoddles them into a land of make believe.

    Focussing all the money to the top of the pyramid whilst starving the grass roots was always going to have consequences and the chickens are coming home to roost at Gil's Chook Chateau at AFL House. Royal Commission required to draw a line in the sand and start again. Australian Rules is being slaughtered by the (V)AFL.

    Manchild, jum, H-BOMBER likes this post.

  • jumjum    3,554 posts
    Fair comments JJ. But I believe the AFL are just modelling their drugs policy on every other major sporting body in the world. NBA, NFL, NHL, EPL, NRL. All these organisations will have very similar policies. We are just the first to have a whistleblower. All these organisations will be doing whatever they can to manage their biggest assets THE PLAYERS.

    JayJay likes this post.

  • ChariotsonfireChariotsonfire    2,949 posts
    A solid win by the Dockers but the reality is they have beaten three teams that are yet to win a game.

    Gather round in Adelaide against Carlton and Port should provide a better indication as towhere they are at.

  • oldhendooldhendo    777 posts
    Nice to see they are getting record crowds attending, looks like they may have attracted a few of the fair weather sailing disgruntled coasters.
  • detonatordetonator    4,384 posts
    Not me Oldhendo. Couldn’t think of anything worse than sitting amongst those feral dicker supporters.
    I would rather stick bamboo under my fingernails. :D

    Manchild likes this post.

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