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BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
Anyone got any idea about whos going to run for the Democrats on Nov 6th . Won some big money when I laid Trump  last time at $2.24 . Surely this time Bidens unelectable , just too old and 2 years in you dont want a president who not remembering hes the actual president . Surely the Democrats are right now trying to convince Michele Obama to run . 


  • ManchildManchild    772 posts
    Big Mike Obama is $9.00 & Newsom is the same to win in November . Biden is $3.50
    Trump is $1.85
    Thats on tabtouch
  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Yep. On betfair Trump $2.22 , Biden $3.60 , Obama $13.50 and Newsom $16.00. Jesus Christ the USA is talentless politically at the moment . You'd think out of 180 million adults they could come up with somebody in the 30 to 70 year old range to run for the top job . Richard Nixon must be rolling in his grave seeing Trump just thumb his nose at the dozens of investigations and charges against him . And the Demacrats are hopeless for not training or picking another candidate for president in the last 24 months .

    Gilgamesh likes this post.

  • H-BOMBERH-BOMBER    10,466 posts
    I reckon if Tucker Carlson ran he would win in a landslide. His interviews and insights since leaving Fox are nothing short of explosive .

    US politics is absolutely fascinating from dumpster fire point of a view. It's seems nobody wants to run a country for the good of a country, listening to the corruption, back door deals, bowing down to the woke agendas etc.

    I don't lean either way but it a appears Trump is their savior from the walking dead Biden disaster.

    Manchild likes this post.

  • H-BOMBERH-BOMBER    10,466 posts
    Manchild said:

    Big Mike Obama is $9.00 & Newsom is the same to win in November . Biden is $3.50

    Trump is $1.85
    Thats on tabtouch


    Big Mike Obama

    Manchild likes this post.

  • RodentRodent    7,262 posts
    I laid Biden ages ago. He wins, I lose. Any other result is fine. Obama or Newsom win and I'll treat myself to a new driver.

    jum, H-BOMBER likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Yep , Rodent . Surely the Dems are working on him behind doors to pull out . Bloke ended up 10,000,000 votes in front of Trump three and a half years ago - biggest vote majority ever when 10 million afro - Americans registed to vote . But his gaffes are'nt just embarressing now - they're downright dangerous . Funny thing is all the Polls say its very close still . I dont like Trump but if hes elected and flys to Moscow and gets Putin to call off the War I'll become his biggest fan .
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,290 posts
    there would be dozens of excellent candidates on both sides but do not have the HUGE cash backing needed.

    Manchild likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Just looked on Betfair and see overnight Michelle Obamas odds for POTUS have blown out from $13 third fav to $34 . Looks a certainty that now its a 2 horse race with Trump $2.06 and Biden $3.40 . You'd get on both for sure and make a tidy profit but knowing the election is still 8 months away and your 20 year old racehorses might'nt even make it to the barrier keeps most punters out . Lay punters keeping the 80% market open for now gambling one or two of them might'nt make it to Nov5th .
  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Just asking the forum . If Australia had our Top 2 candidates running for Prime Minister at 81 and 77 years of age what would yous do . Know anyone can run but surely its a younger persons job .
  • ThunderstruckThunderstruck    7,696 posts
    Idk for sure how big a laughing stock the yanks are I'll guess pretty BIG but if one of those two fhs get re-elected they reach a new and very high peak of stupidity :))

    oldhendo, JayJay, Chariotsonfire, Gilgamesh likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Dems new favs just on Betfair . Old fella fighting hard .
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    Democrats will win this election with a record low turnout for the Republican Party. They can't bring themselves to vote for the Democrats but they refuse in the order of 18% to vote for Trump. I predict that the Democrat ticket of Biden/Harris,  will sweep both the House and Senate and of course The White House, returning stability to global politics. 

    Donald Trump should prepare himself for conviction in at least two of his four cases against him. for violating the documents act in hiding secret and above documents at Mara Lago, he will get time. For what we would call perverting the course of justice, via hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, he will also be convicted. 

    He will lose his current appeal where he got someone else to post the $175M bond for him, because he is actually not that rich in liquid assets, and as a result he will be liable for the full $454M plus interest once the appeal is denied. 

    His legal arguments are quite weak and incredibly ill informed. He is represented by some pretty low quality lawyers as the best have turned their back on him as a poor payer demonstrated over a couple of decades. 

    Nobody convicted in the January 6th riots storming the Capitol, will be released via clemency irrespective of Trump declaring them hostages. 

    For someone who once held the highest office in the free World, Donald Trump will ultimately become famous but for all the wrong reasons. He is a fool albeit a corrupt fool.
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts

    Just looked on Betfair and see overnight Michelle Obamas odds for POTUS have blown out from $13 third fav to $34 . Looks a certainty that now its a 2 horse race with Trump $2.06 and Biden $3.40 . You'd get on both for sure and make a tidy profit but knowing the election is still 8 months away and your 20 year old racehorses might'nt even make it to the barrier keeps most punters out . Lay punters keeping the 80% market open for now gambling one or two of them might'nt make it to Nov5th .

    Never was a candidate, never ran, not on the ticket as it is occupied by the incumbent President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris 
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    Rodent said:

    I laid Biden ages ago. He wins, I lose. Any other result is fine. Obama or Newsom win and I'll treat myself to a new driver.

    Neither Michelle Obama or Gov Gavin Newsom were even on ballots. I don't understand how you could think that either had any chance of becoming the nominee for the Democratic Party. 
  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Damo there still in the market because of the ages of Biden and Trump . Plenty are betting that one or both might be pushing up daiseys on Nov 5th . Otherwise you'd be backing Biden at $2.40 and Trump at $2.32 . Remember if they get scratched ( die ) you do your cash cold on betfair .

    rustyh likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Pretty confident Damo about a Democrat win right now but lets throw in some variables . Joe Biden passes away next month and the Democrats decide to run their primaries again and Michele Obama goes up against Harris . White Democrats vote for Harris and Afro - American Democrats vote for Obama . Harris wins the Democrat Nomination easily but The Afro - American voters dont come out on voting day . Remember Biden only won because record numbers of Afro- American voters turned up to vote . Also plenty of Democrats are very concerned that Biden will be 86 at the end of his 4 years of his 2nd term . They are also thinking that a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris who will be the POTUS if Biden passes away in office . If Biden was 10 years younger his odds would be $1.01 but its his age thats keeping him a very lucritive $2.40 but extremely dangerous bet if your game .
  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Trump being wedged on his latest abortion policies , all over the place with each way stand on it .
  • RodentRodent    7,262 posts
    Rodent said:

    I laid Biden ages ago. He wins, I lose. Any other result is fine. Obama or Newsom win and I'll treat myself to a new driver.

    Neither Michelle Obama or Gov Gavin Newsom were even on ballots. I don't understand how you could think that either had any chance of becoming the nominee for the Democratic Party. 

     I thought that given Joe's dementia, he'd get a tap on the shoulder and voluntarily decide not to run again due to ill health. The Dems will then parachute in their preferred candidate at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in August.

    thefalcon, Manchild likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Plenty thought that R , makes total sence and the Dems are at fault as a party too . Weakness everywhere in them by not having a ready to go backup already trained and tuned up to campaign . Just think the president in 2028 could be Harris or Haley because Trump and Biden look ready to go any time . Any sensible. Afro - American Democrat Candidate that could get the Afro - American vote out again would be $1.10 fav given that Biden started $1.57 on Nov 4th 2020. Christ its actually embassesing watching Trump nod off in his court case and Biden stumbling over speeches. Amazing odds still on the fair Trump $2.32 and Biden $2.38. Then you check the winning party and the fairs got Dems $2.00 and Reps $2.10.
  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Just asking if Democrats parachuted Michelle Obama in against Trump how would Trump go about campaigning against her . Shes not a open target like Hilary Clinton was for Trump in 2016 . Would have to be very careful in the name calling stakes .

    thefalcon likes this post.

  • RodentRodent    7,262 posts
    If the yanks are prepared to elect a man with dementia as president, then politics is a sham. Faceless men run the world. Anyone who says "yeah but it's better than Trump" are missing the point. Even if the Democrats go to the election with Joe, what does that say about them? To willfully put up a candidate who should be in care is openly admitting he is a puppet. God help us all if Joe is elected.

    Manchild, rustyh likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Ha ha ha , you must be getting a bit worried about Biden winning . What makes you think Trumps any better . Blokes a full on Psychopath whos mates with every despotic dictator in the world , treats anyone who disagrees with him like shit . Biden cant be doing too bad , American economy going like gangbusters at moment . Plenty of Republicans hate how hes taken over their party system . Give us some of Trumps strong policies that would make a Michigan Voter vote for him .
  • RodentRodent    7,262 posts
    Until Covid hit America was doing just fine under Trump the full blown psychopath. How's the immigration system going? Joe couldn't wait to get rid of Trump's border policies. How did that turn out?
     I thought betting against Biden was money for jam. Unfortunately the market has moved against me. I probably should just put more on.

    rustyh likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    200 days to go. Plenty can happen in the land of the dollar bill . LHOs lurking everywhere in book depositarys.
  • H-BOMBERH-BOMBER    10,466 posts
    "faceless men run the world"

    Never a more true statement.

    rustyh likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Jesus this Trump trial's going to be great drama pre election , OJ , Charlie Manson and Watergate level . Cant wait for Stormy to hit the witness box .
  • runyonrunyon    576 posts
    "The Whitehouse has admitted that President Joe Biden's recent claim that his uncle was eaten by cannibals isn't true."  :))

    Manchild likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Them faceless men - Trumps Doctor signing off a certificate for " Heel Spurs " to keep him out of the Draft . They everywhere especially if the cash is paid up .
  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    The Voting Variables are endless in a 2024 POTUS Election. Trumps Fraud Trial , Israeli- Hamas War protests Ramping up bigtime this week on USA Uni Campus's , Nikki Haley still drawing 17% of the Republician vote in the Pennsylvania Primaries last night even after she pulled out of the race 3 weeks ago , Joe Biden refusing to do vitually any press conferences these days about anything , How Trump will hold up when his wife amd son take the stand in his trial , What Stormy Daniels will blurt out under questioning by the Prosecuter . Gunna make OJs trial look 10th rate once this gets really going .
  • BushbookieBushbookie    298 posts
    Not a bad one liner comeback by Biden , "Sure age is a issue , I'm up against a six year old " .
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