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  • RodentRodent    7,263 posts
    edited November 2024

    Democrats will win this election with a record low turnout for the Republican Party. They can't bring themselves to vote for the Democrats but they refuse in the order of 18% to vote for Trump. I predict that the Democrat ticket of Biden/Harris,  will sweep both the House and Senate and of course The White House, returning stability to global politics. 

    Donald Trump should prepare himself for conviction in at least two of his four cases against him. for violating the documents act in hiding secret and above documents at Mara Lago, he will get time. For what we would call perverting the course of justice, via hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, he will also be convicted. 

    He will lose his current appeal where he got someone else to post the $175M bond for him, because he is actually not that rich in liquid assets, and as a result he will be liable for the full $454M plus interest once the appeal is denied. 

    His legal arguments are quite weak and incredibly ill informed. He is represented by some pretty low quality lawyers as the best have turned their back on him as a poor payer demonstrated over a couple of decades. 

    Nobody convicted in the January 6th riots storming the Capitol, will be released via clemency irrespective of Trump declaring them hostages. 

    For someone who once held the highest office in the free World, Donald Trump will ultimately become famous but for all the wrong reasons. He is a fool albeit a corrupt fool.
    Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode "The Opposite"
  • H-BOMBERH-BOMBER    10,469 posts
    Aged like milk. Easy to say now i guess.
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Coalition Favorites now on Betfair , Albos in big trouble . Greens his only chance .
    Greens have always been their only chance. Got in last time with about 33% of the vote outright.
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Christ watchin Kamala whinge and whine today , think Rat and Slip were on the mark . Deadset , that was one of the most embarressing press conferences since Nixon resigned . Just go quietly ffs.
    Was she inebriated or hungover? Certainly had to one one or the other.

    Manchild likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Just watching Trump on SKY News , bloke actually looks 10 years younger than 6 weeks ago . Listening to his press conference I cant wait for the 20th January when he gets the keys to the WH. Been stuffall going on World Newsworthy for ages but after the 20th January Trump will make watching the news daily interesting . Listening on what hes half said on the Israeli - Hamas War you get the feeling that if Hamas dont release all the hostages immediately ,its not gunna be good for any Hamas fighter with the Yanks involved . Poor old Ukraines gunna have to give Russia every bit and their country the Russians now occupy . Bit like Finland back in 1945 . Not Happy but you move on . Trade Wars with China , EEC and Canada . The Wall will be finished this time . And plenty more . Anyone still got a feeling theres another Lee Harvey Oswald lurking out there in some FLORIDA Book Depository.
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Not long now to go before The Trumpsters back in Town . Just reading some news from the states and jesus its going to be a ride for 4 years . Trump deadset wants to ANNEX Greenland , send in soldiers to the Panama Canal and reclaim it for the USA , remove all Canadian side border posts and put it to Canadians to join the USA as the 52nd State and the big one ffs , Change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to " The Gulf of the USA .
  • G-MacG-Mac    1,627 posts
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Hands up anyone who wants Albo to make Kevin Rudd Australias Ambassador to the USA at least until the next election . A Bit of History between Rudd and Trump . Cant wait for Slips , Falcons and Rodents modest polite replies
    Rudd has to be sacked from that role and how the hell does Penny Wrong the Israel hater get an invite to the Trump inauguration. She is a disgrace of the highest order as are most of the Labor Party

    Why wasn't Wrong sent to Israel instead of Dreyfus? Probably because he is the token Jewish member of the party which means zero as he has also supported Anti Israel Albanese Wong sentiment.

    Manchild likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    The Power of Trump , Bidens been trying to get a ceasefire since May last year with both sides refusing to give a inch . Trump wins the election , makes a few threats and both sides cant sign off quick enough . Big test though is can Trump get a Ukraine - Russia ceasefire over the line .
  • G-MacG-Mac    1,627 posts
    Many historians also attribute credit to Trump for the Treaty of Versailles and the Treaty of Waitangi. A very influential operator indeed

    carey, JayJay likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    Rudd will be out on his rse on the 21st.
    its going to be an interesting 4 yrs but bear in mind Donald is 78yrs, he could easliy snuff it in those 4 years...would finally get a smile on melania's face.
    Another poor post Falcon. Are you okay?
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    ^ what are you on about slip?
  • RodentRodent    7,263 posts
    Biden's last act was to pardon his siblings and their spouses.
    He should never have been President. Big tech and the msm helped keep the corruption hidden from the electorate just before the 2020 election.
    Now there is no cover left, out comes blanket immunity. Scumbag.

    Manchild likes this post.

  • G-MacG-Mac    1,627 posts
    Intrigued to watch what he does to end inflation. I'm sure other governments will be watching with interest while forex traders might start looking for a new gig.
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Trump not mucking around , signing off in front of his crowd to get out off some heavyweight international bills and treaties . Now hes off to Whitehouse to sign off 100 more apparently . Jesus Christ the Worlds gunna look different in 4 years time . Just hoping he can sort out the Middle East for a while .
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Thank F--k Oz has'nt got this Presidental PARDON bulls--t . Biden what a dissapointment there , Trump You can understand pardoning his mates but Jesus Christ , Biden just as bad .
  • RodentRodent    7,263 posts
    The Biden's have made millions and Joe has given them immunity. Making a mockery of the system. I'm also glad we don't have that crap system.
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Wake up each morning under Trumpys reign is interesting . Turn on Bloomberg or CNBC to check the DOW and you find out Trumpys put another 10 tarrifs on his neighbours . Even the seasoned Financal Anchor People were buffaloed this morning , they just want certinety in Trumps policies and not " Off the Cuff " policy . All can see USA inflation going through the roof in 12 months with tarrifs on every USA trading partners . DOW at 44,700 now , its the main barometer to see if Trumps successful in 12 months .
  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    edited February 4
    Bushbookie, you have to remember that the two networks you watch and quoted from, are both left leaning organisations, who will, more often than not, find issues with Trump's economic policy.

    Trump knew exactly what he was doing by putting 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico as a tool to get them to man their borders and stop illegal drug smuggling. He, and this is why the leftist media are so disingenuous, knows, that for Mexico, trade with the USA is almost 32% of their GDP and for Canada, it's around 25%. 

    On the other hand, the USA's GDP with both countries is around 1.2%.
    In other words, Mexico and Canada, need the USA to bolster their economies, way, way more, than the USA need them.

    So what happens? Trump makes the announcement on Saturday, the Mexican's and Canadian 's retaliate, but 48 hours later, both Mexico and Canada buckle, with among other things, Mexico promising to place 10,000 troops on the border to stop illegal drug smuggling migration and drug smuggling, and Canada making a raft of promises too long to put here.

    So Trump gives them a 30 day pause to see if they are genuine.

    Trump has character flaws far too many to list here, a massive ego being just one, which is why a lot of people don't like him. But he's no mug and is a very smart operator. If anyone can fix the mess, and that's putting it mildly, that Biden and his mob of incompetent's left the place in, it's Trump. 

    Bushbookie, thefalcon, Rodent, Manchild likes this post.

  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    I doo love myself, but pushed the like symbol by accident. 
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Bookielover , am happy for Trump to forfil all his election promises as long as he " Backs Israel to the last man and dollar " . Told you before I'm voting Labor the first time ever because of Arab Albos and Palestine Pennys support for Palestinian Terrorists . Saw today he led Labor out of the house of reps when Dutton got up to give a reply on Australian anti- semitism ..
  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Trumpy just on Sky News Press Conference with Israel Prime Minister Bibi saying that the USA will take over the Gaza Strip and run it . Jesus Christ Why . Another Vietnam for sure .
  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    edited February 5
    Hi Bushbookie,
    I wouldn't be too worried about the USA taking over Gaza. Trump likes to throw things out there. Always has. It drives the left wing media and the Democrats nuts. 
    The point that Trump really made in the press conference which I also watched, was that Hamas can't continue to rule Gaza, what has gone on since 2005 when the Israeli's left Gaza to the Palestinians to run, can't continue, and that the world has to think outside the box and change the way the place is run. 

    He knows the so called United Nations won't do anything, so he puts forward a plan which he knows won't fly, but knows will get a reaction. You may have noted that Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu said he wants three things to happen in Gaza, one of which is the elimination of Hamas.

    And that's the bottom line for both leaders, Trump just threw up a plan which caught everyone by surprise, although Netanyahu didn't appear to be surprised, so he would have had a heads up, and now everyone is saying bloody hell, what the fuk is he doing?

    Trump also announced that the USA will no longer sit on the UN human rights council, it's hard to believe that the Iran was once the head of that council, and that they will no longer fund UNRWA which is another corrupt UN organisation which got rid of 9 of its workers who it was proven took part in, or aided and abetted the October 7 massacre. Some of the released hostages said that they were held in UN buildings. What a joke.

    He also said that he was considering the USA's future participation in the UN and, at the very least, cutting right back on the funding that the USA give towards keeping the UN going. The last figure I saw was 500 million. He said other countries need to pay more. 

    The fact that Trump lifted what was effectively an arms embargo on Israel placed by Biden, and is giving Israel 1 billion dollars in bombs and other arms, and that Netanyahu is the first foreign leader to have been invited to meet him, should tell you all you need to know about his commitment to Israel.

    Mate, like me, sit back and enjoy the show. The bloke has been in for two weeks and has done more in 14 days than Biden did in four years and the previous 46 years that he served, if you can call it that, in Congress. 

    I reckon that Trump believes he's got two years while Republicans control all three levels of the Government, until the June mid year elections in 2026, when the ruling party usually don't do very well. So he's going to get as much through Congress, and issue as many executive orders that he can to achieve his goals.

    Finally, aside from the Gaza announcement, everything he promised he'd do at his rallies, immigration reform, Doge with Musk, getting rid of DEI, support Israel, the list is too long to put here, he's done in two weeks and will continue to do. So no one should be surprised that he's doing what he said he would. 

    Rodent, Manchild likes this post.

  • BushbookieBushbookie    300 posts
    Yep. Bookielover got to agree. Everything he promised to do , hes doing it . Thats all any voter can ask because 99% of pollies lie and do stuffall. I am going to sit back and watch the Trump term . Each day is bloody interesting compared to Biden . Got me totally buggered why senior democrats 2 years ago did'nt tap biden on the shoulder and tell him its time to go , Here in Australia both sides of politics would have in a heartbeat .

    bookielover likes this post.

  • G-MacG-Mac    1,627 posts
    A coastal Mediterranean beach strip with warm summers and temperate winters. I could see why Trump would be interested. Once a property developer, always a property developer.

    I did read a joke about Musk and his odd Naziesque salute some weeks ago.  They said "now don't worry, it is clear that Musk is not a Nazi. You see, the Nazis actually built good cars"

    bookielover likes this post.

  • bookieloverbookielover    2,639 posts
    as someone pointed out to me, there is a photo montage that went around showing Democrat politicians such as Alexandra Ocasio  Cortez, or AOC as she's better 
    known and Senator Elizabeth Warren, raising their right arm in what can be interpreted as a Nazi salute.
    Someone asked if Superman is a Nazi, because of the way he takes off with one arm in the form of a Nazi salute, the left arm by his side. It was ridiculous and only  the hypocritical  leftist media would highlight the salute, and censor the part where he slams his chest prior to raising his arm and yells,  " my heart goes out to you". 

    Just on your comment about Trump, I have a Korean daughter in law and a Korean grandson. They live with my son in Melbourne. Her mother and brother also live in Melbourne . Her father is, and has been for 40 years, a top diplomat in South Korea, flying in and out of Australia. It's been pretty difficult to maintain this situation, so he's retiring at the end of this year and will come and live permanently in Melbourne. 

    He was out here 6 weeks ago for our grandson's 1 year birthday, called a doljache in Korean. It's a very big deal in Korean culture. We spent hours talking as we always do on his visits. Trump had been elected the President and I asked him his opinion of what we could expect to see from a foreign relations and policy point of view.

    He told me for the first time, that he was part of the talks when Trump visited Korea in his first term and met with Kim Jong Un. He said Trump presented Kim with a plan to open up North Korea. I won't go into the whole conversation here. But as my in law said, Kim was mesmerised by Trump's presentation as were the delegation. Kim wanted guarantee's and the discussion went on for hours. At the end, they agreed to meet again for further talks, which obviously never happened because of Covid and Trump losing the 2020 election. 

    As I have said before, Trump has an ego bigger than the Pacific Ocean, but as my in law has told me on a number of occasions, in person, and privately, he's incredible to talk to and incredibly persuasive. 

    This is going to be a very fascinating 4 years!!

    Bushbookie, thefalcon, G-Mac likes this post.

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