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It may well of but had been stagnant for a long time and is now very much active again. Is GP not our best performing track any day any time slot in comparison to whoever else would race on such time?
Your very butt hurt about GP management. Did you not get hugged enough as a kid?
Rocket_Reign likes this post.
The absolute definition of having an agenda
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LightningJake likes this post.
Define best performing.
Yes Gloucester Park is the strongest turnover track in WA.
Also yes Gloucester Park is by miles and miles the biggest loss maker in WA.
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Jesus this just tells me how far off the mark you are in regards to all this. No wonder you’re fighting the good fight for what you believe in
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Rocket_Reign, Cant_Refuse, Chopchop43 likes this post.
What are you most likely to want to bet on?? Something you have a firm opinion/view on.
How are you likely to form that view?? Follow the sport/event closely.
Why are you following that sport/event?? Because you enjoy it, you find it intriguing, ypu find it entertaining.
Having followed the sport for around 30 years now and having it be at times my number 1 interest at best i would describe setting the time aside to watch the GP races, even on replay thst you can get done in about half an hour a chore, more accurately i'd say its more entertaining to watch the grass grow.
So how is one expected to be betting on this product??
Off the track you find better atmosphere at a cemetery.
On the track you need only watch the first 15secs of a race then skip to the last maybe 40, how exciting.
Rocket it does no good to your argument to refer to those that advicate for country racing as fossils when yourself and others of your demographic are more than happy to continue having metro racing on that completely outdated metro race track. The horses simply go too fast at that level now for it to be viable.
I do get what your saying re holding say Kellerberrin rype meets at GP. The big problem i see is you will lose participants and once again shrink the pool of not only those that race but they few that are left that follow/bet/invest in the sport.
Betonme, getthechange, LightningJake likes this post.
That’s fine that you don’t enjoy pacing anymore people change, others do enjoy betting on it and from figures like I said previously they enjoy betting at GP more than any other track in WA and from memory it’s either the highest or second highest turnover track in Aus. Any time slot and any day.
In regards to Kellerberrin the participants that race there would be 90% plus from Perth or surrounds you’d actually get better fields and more horses if it was closer to Perth, it’s a sizeable cost to transport a team down there for a day of racing.
Fossils is maybe harsh it’s more so the older generation that are living in the past the harness industry and the world has evolved and changed and if you don’t evolve with it you get left behind. I think the industry has been left behind and the older generation are doing all they can to keep it that way
Pinballwizard, Cant_Refuse, Chopchop43 likes this post.
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Down to 11% of total hold would suggest those that no longer enjoy it (or are dead) are unfortunately forming a strong majority.
You can say that those few remaining enjoy betting on GP, thats great - i'd suspect those poeple are very dedicated and succesful punters. Those remaining punters however aren't betting enough for the sport to be viable. And if they don't have losing/entertainment factor punters getting envolved eventually it will become impossible for them to be profitable as well.
So if those that do continue to like it still want to race for more than just ribbons and punters want to continue to get a bet on they need to be doing everything they can to attract and hold new supporters.
Having racing that actually feels like racing would be a solid start.
savethegame, JayJay, Arapaho, LightningJake likes this post.
I guess all would agree to do nothing is to guarantee failure.
savethegame, JayJay, LightningJake likes this post.
LightningJake likes this post.
It’s the older generation that don’t want to see this and it’s simply because of history and memories of an older era that they have.
Kellerberrin for example again can you name me any trainers that are local there but would be lost forever to the sport if those meetings moved to a premiere track? Because I can name many trainers that would start racing at those meetings because they’re closer to home and it’s more viable.
More trainers racing means more horses and better quality fields which again will increase turnover
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Chopchop43 likes this post.
Rocket_Reign, Cant_Refuse, Constantlybroke, Chopchop43 likes this post.
LightningJake, Vincent_vega likes this post.
I don't disagree with what you are saying but i would argue that if you did once again reduce the number of tracks you would continue to deminish the reach of the product.
I would argue that these outer tracks are were the majority get their start and im not just talking drivers/trainers i'd be willing to suggest you are most likely to garner fresh punters from these regions.
So you might get a sugar hit for a short period after that you will have lost another entire set of eyeballs, participants and punters dollars as well as breeding ground for fresh blood. GP would still be holding more than the next Country track in line to be closed but once again thst GP hold would be smaller and shrinking.
Kellerberrin-interesting place for a track. I'm not a fan of the place granted having only stopped by on my way through , seems a small town to have a track, I get its "central" but if your already travelling I would have gone to Merredin.
getthechange likes this post.
within 1 hour of CWHRC – 10 licensed trainers with approximately 35 horses in total plus associated licensed stablehands.
local (Kellerberrin) trainers with approximately 20 horses constantly
utilising the track.
consist of 2 part time administration staff, Clerk or Course/catcher, track preparation staff, veterinary swabbing assistant, judges, timekeepers, tote operators, kitchen/bar staff.
volunteer hub of 12-15 people.
group of owners and breeders in the region.
from approximately 15 local and surrounding businesses.
Gilgamesh, warrenrobinson, LightningJake likes this post.
to reduce country racing would be akin to the AFL canning support for little league (my 5yr old daughter currently going to have a crack at it because it is free).
Yep they would have a significant reduction in cost immediately so improved profit for a short period.
Not long after that they will have lost a generation of both talent for particiaption and crowd/interest for revenue.
You need to focus on growing the footprint to improve participation and interest not cut off your nose to spite your face.
But as JJ has said you can do whatever you want but if what you are offering is boring as bat shit you wont find any makshift leavers to maintain the interest for a viable industry.
getthechange, Arapaho, warrenrobinson, LightningJake likes this post.
Rocket_Reign, Chopchop43 likes this post.
Victoria is also heading down the same pathway from all reports
Qld is a completely different circumstance as they have massive tax concessions compared to other states.
Betonme, LightningJake likes this post.
Hard to find the latest figures but qld racing are recieving 80% of tax rev collected vs the latest fugures in can see for WA as 30% so its apples and oranges to say their 3 track system is working.