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TAB Cover Up Stories
West Australian Racing
How many punters do you think are interested in hearing about many cover up stories about TAB shops and the in-house corruption activities?
I have been working on a long project in writing a book about my knowledge and experiences when working in the industry for some 30years. So many fascinating stories and a few big ones to expose the truth which had been covered up by the TAB board and certain high profile people.
Maybe you have your own stories to tell.
But please no hearsay stories or rumors!
I have been working on a long project in writing a book about my knowledge and experiences when working in the industry for some 30years. So many fascinating stories and a few big ones to expose the truth which had been covered up by the TAB board and certain high profile people.
Maybe you have your own stories to tell.
But please no hearsay stories or rumors!
+1 -1
Vincent_vega, Gilgamesh likes this post.
savethegame, Manchild, SLIPPERGOLDEN likes this post.
SLIPPERGOLDEN, Desperado likes this post.
Yes I knew Craig very well. Such a very nice man. They were very interesting days. The CEO and GM were thick as thieves!
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spinking, Gilgamesh likes this post.
Mr Digby you may remember this one Lady in control room who's job was to flick the switch when a race commenced to cease betting, had access to reopen betting, she would reopen betting when a horse was well clear, for 3-4 seconds window. Was alot money that she won remember her age was 57.Does that ring a bell NSW tab.
Desperado likes this post.
You shouldn’t comment because you don’t know the true full story!!!
I have to agree. We all lose, some people cop it sweet, some people call the whambulance and call in their lawyers to fight their battles for them. Should he have had the machine at his house, no. But Milko wasnt placing the bets for him.
spinking likes this post.
But not all customers get ripped off and also place over 500k
Should have they set him up in a private room and allow over 500k credit bets? Taking full advantage of his sickness? And also backing out and refusing to pay him his commission?
Much more to the story.
Do know when Sportsbet made a push for signing up punters in mid nineties had incentives offering punters % on signing up others , with a strong push for losers only. There dollars lost dictated size of bonuses.
W.A codes are run by profit generated through the TAB See turnover has dropped significantly lately the Spike was Covid driven, 50,000 account holders prior then 110,000 during .
Row your own boat with addictions.Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, etc etc
spinking likes this post.
Burt was GM and Bennett CEO.
Burt left the organization when the shit hit the fan during the Rosendorff case. Once it was all settled out of court, Burt comes back to get the CEO job.
Burt sent one of his off siders Bob Moffitt out to shut me up. He got me out in the back room and gave me a very good talking to. They tried to get me sacked a number of times. Many stories.
My friend introduced me to Richard Burt, shook his hand and the look on his face when he heard my name was priceless.
When hoping to move on thinking they had a nest egg in place getting there moneyback was par .
Wasn't a option only getting offers of 100k.from TAB if that agency wasn't required anymore, TAB saying that it was more then ample, Agent once told me Agents had over 300k in fighting fund knowing one day, what layed ahead, was that money used or agents have too negotiate individual
He has been there for well over 35 years.
JimmyPop likes this post.
sounds like a nice franchisor