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Kalgoorlie Round 2024

West Australian Racing


    Chris said:

    The Cup is very depressing

    The whole meeting is.

    savethegame likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,293 posts
    the round reminds me of a story dad told. in the late 50's early 60's all the bookies, trainers, jocks etc went to kal by train. one particular morning the train screeched to a halt.
    the upshot was alan wells pulled the stop strap from the toilet. when the porter rushed up to see what the trouble was alan shouted "i've just lost a monkey down the karsi" the porter replied "we do not have animals on this train"
    it had a happy ending, the dosh was found and all was well...

    the same guy used to do his settling in bed on a sunday morning with a bottle of drambuie, a box of chockies and of course, about a dozen packs of turf cork tipped.

    savethegame, JimmyPop likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,293 posts
    how many winners do you reckon the fernies will get today?
    i reckon 5....
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,293 posts
    did you cop old ernies tips...6 for pike, 2 for lucy and 1 for chris....fair dinkum!!!!
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,293 posts
    fernie 4 winners and a few places. not a bad days worth...
  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    Just reading about Kal,looks like the first meeting is I Esperance,fingers crossed they can eventually come to some settlement.
  • The_BullThe_Bull    919 posts
    Look at the Mayer's statement on the council fb page. Not a good time to be a trainer in Kalgoorlie ????
  • MuldoonMuldoon    423 posts
    The_Bull said:

    Look at the Mayer's statement on the council fb page. Not a good time to be a trainer in Kalgoorlie ????

    You would hope he/she & a few Coucillors will be booted next election
  • savethegamesavethegame    2,966 posts
    Word from Ding Bat Flat  ----Roger Cook  giving race club  260k.  Grant for water  tomorrow.

    spinking likes this post.

  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    Should think so too,that's only a small dent in State Goverment coffers,
  • spinkingspinking    3,901 posts
    Ding bat flat. You looked up the history books for that one STG. If he ponies up the money for the race club surely the other sporting bodies in the fields will also want there share of the water bill paid
  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    spinking said:

    Ding bat flat. You looked up the history books for that one STG. If he ponies up the money for the race club surely the other sporting bodies in the fields will also want there share of the water bill paid

    Yeah you are right everyone else will have there hand out.
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,293 posts
    ^ and rightly so... :-B
  • RIORIO    14,892 posts
    I thought the issue was there was no water!?!?!

    Is everyone now saying it’s an economic issue??? That’s confusing, as it means next year they’ll require 300k. And the year after 359k, etc, etc,etc

    I think a better solution is a 10million litre dam and an investment of about 20million to resolve the water issue for this important regional centre.

    This is a pathetic response. It’d be like C Y O’Cinnor saying we’ll buy 4 more dray teams to cart water to Kalgoorlie!!

    At some stage one political party needs to grow some balls and make sure a lot more of the profit from our resources is reinvested into our state. Rather than lining the pockets of international economic rapists.
  • mattymatty    52 posts
    The other sporting clubs can put their hand out. But I seriously doubt any other club in Kalgoorlie brings in the money to the region that the race club does.

    thefalcon likes this post.

  • spinkingspinking    3,901 posts
    Thats most probaly correct Matty. but sometyimes especially in regional centres like Kal, its community participation that matters. I reckon that between them the Kalgoorlie footy clubs and cricket and golf clubs. There would be more people involved amongst them then the race club

    savethegame, RIO likes this post.

  • savethegamesavethegame    2,966 posts
    Rio 100 percent right   wet band-aid approach,,heard raceclub owe 220k. from last year's useage, This will allow them to limp through this season., 
     RWWA   perfect little world  coming to fruition.-- Corridor racing Bunbury ,Pinjarra, Ascot  & Belmont now that Bunbury  can race through the winter, .

     With the city trainers reluctance  to race at  Kalgoorlie through the fear of losing  owner's...   
    Plus  we see with racing & pacing multiple runners from individual stables does detract from punters interest which  in turns affects turnover, the lifeblood.

     Fernies stable regularly supply 20 plus percent of runners. at most meetings

    Unless the Federal Government gets involved to Fastrack the Waterbank  scheme,,to improve storage levels, for the whole town. See Liberals have pledged 13mil. to Kalgoorlie water problem. Racing is on the canvas in the Goldfields.

    , 2021 Council signed 30 year deal with LYNAS regards the treated water.

    RIO, JimmyPop likes this post.

  • Vincent_vegaVincent_vega    584 posts

    Rio 100 percent right   wet band-aid approach,,heard raceclub owe 220k. from last year's useage, This will allow them to limp through this season., 

     RWWA   perfect little world  coming to fruition.-- Corridor racing Bunbury ,Pinjarra, Ascot  & Belmont now that Bunbury  can race through the winter, .

     With the city trainers reluctance  to race at  Kalgoorlie through the fear of losing  owner's...   
    Plus  we see with racing & pacing multiple runners from individual stables does detract from punters interest which  in turns affects turnover, the lifeblood.

     Fernies stable regularly supply 20 plus percent of runners. at most meetings

    Unless the Federal Government gets involved to Fastrack the Waterbank  scheme,,to improve storage levels, for the whole town. See Liberals have pledged 13mil. to Kalgoorlie water problem. Racing is on the canvas in the Goldfields.

    , 2021 Council signed 30 year deal with LYNAS regards the treated water.

    I would pay extra fees if my trainer would race in Kal. Anywhere my horses are best placed to win, i want them there!

    thefalcon, JimmyPop, jum likes this post.

  • RIORIO    14,892 posts

    Even 13 mil won’t build a 20million litre Dam.

    The social side of sport is far more important. Community for regional centres are the heart beat of communities.

    It is id RWWA’s Best interest to get rid of Kal , which will also effect Esperance if it is lost.

    The Feenies have proven - like Wolfe from Albany - that you can have duel stables.
    If the infrastructure isn’t out there for all sports clubs and businesses in Kal, it’ll have an impact on the town. A water upgrade is probably 40 years overdue.

    Im lead to believe that there is Calicut to pump more water to Kal…..but there is concern about putting more volume through the pipeline as it is in such bad shape!!!! Hahaha.

    It’s a successive government issue on many state and federal governments. Even if it cost $4-500 mil to upgrade and put in the infrastructure to pump and hold more water, it still needs to be done

    $250k. I’m a Labor voter. What a fn joke that is for a region that provides so much self for the state and federal governments!!!

    rooboy likes this post.

  • RIORIO    14,892 posts
    So about the spelling. I’m almost blind, so it’s hard to post these days
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