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How did Tessa Daly get the job

West Australian Racing


  • meatpiemeatpie    534 posts
    thefalcon said:

    for pharques sake leave the young woman alone. if she's reading these comments what in the hell do you think it does to her self worth and nerves when doing her job.

    lay off...mods consider removing this thread.

    No what you meaning Falc, but dont think it needs to be taken down. Nothing written here would worry her in the slightest.

    Tess is tough and determined, she would play the whiners on a break. A handful of critics wont break her. She is a great asset and will continue to improve.

    Amateurish? People need to watch more SKY, Seven and Racing.Com, there are hosts on there that have been doing it for years and are at best average.

  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    edited December 2024
    Without naming names, I sometimes see letters or social media posts that have been made by people hiding behind a pseudonym that clearly are or once were employed inside the Racing Industry. I think in the hope of stirring up controversy but in reality it is little more than the idle gossip of those tend horses with a hatred for anyone who has been successful.

    There was an attempt to soil this young lady's name and her credentials, in the same post there was allegations of Trainer drug use and to round it out, a damning of Jockeys engaged last Saturday. 

    The Industry will never get to a higher level with people like this hiding in their basements and posting crap. 

  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    Rodent said:

    Most of us are used to TV presenters achieving a certain standard of proficiency before making it to the airways.

     If W.A racing are happy going to air with inexperienced amateurs, they can't complain when their product is viewed as amateurish.
    I agree. What has been lost in this discussion is that the standard is very low. The pre race and post race interviews follow a set formulae, no hard questions, no expert insight into what just happened. That has now been coupled with confusion in race calling that is best now observed with the sound muted and watch the colours yourself. Emphasis has been placed on past the post colour commentary about which farm or owner or nickname of the Jockey rather than accurately just getting the broadcasting the results. 

    Almost nobody can tell you anything substantial about the horse in the ring, there are never comments on a runner at a certain stage of a preparation or how it compares to it's last race. I don't know why this upsets me, it's not like they can identify a winner. I don't bet but I like to watch trials and races when I can because I like to make informed decisions when looking at breeding and the selection process. I don't really do that anymore either but I'm about to move Interstate and will most likely be within ten km's of five Stud farms and I may find myself once again looking for the next cheap buy to have some fun with or on behalf of someone.

  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    Just watching ch 72 What great presenters Emma Freeman and Kathy Ohara are.
  • Buddy123Buddy123    242 posts
    Surely these presenters have to do some practice before getting behind the the camera.. maybe not..
    Young Tess sounds a bit wooden.. bit like the regional weather on 7GWN last night.. I could hardly watch it it’s like these young ladies have never picked up the microphone before..

    JimmyPop likes this post.

  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    Buddy123 said:

    Surely these presenters have to do some practice before getting behind the the camera.. maybe not..
    Young Tess sounds a bit wooden.. bit like the regional weather on 7GWN last night.. I could hardly watch it it’s like these young ladies have never picked up the microphone before..

    You are right,about time behind Microphone,I'm sure Emma Freedman has but is a real natural and of course here Knowledge and Kathy Ohara after here riding career with her after race interviews and her study she must have had to do.
  • DamienWyerDamienWyer    7,785 posts
    New member of on air is giving betting updates etc, he should really learn the phone number for the gamblers helpline having mis read it just now
  • psychopsycho    737 posts
    The bloke giving the betting update looks like Al Grassbys son, if he ever had one

    JimmyPop likes this post.

  • Yankee63Yankee63    34 posts

    New member of on air is giving betting updates etc, he should really learn the phone number for the gamblers helpline having mis read it just now

    Kept stating Tabtouch was money back second and third today, nope second only.
  • spinkingspinking    3,902 posts
    Incorrect Yankee63 some people money back third and some even money back fourth
  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    I think wipe this post,think the poor girl has had enough criticism,so leave her alone,and good luck to her moving forward,and finding her feet in her new position.

    thefalcon, Notapuntas likes this post.

  • RodentRodent    7,262 posts
    I don't think criticism is being levelled at Tessa Daly. It is at those who put her there.
     There's a reason apprentices aren't allowed to ride at premium Saturday meetings until they reach a certain level of proficiency.
     I think the criticism lies squarely at the feet of those who think it's more important to tick a box than put high quality content to air.

    silky, JimmyPop, Vincent_vega likes this post.

  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    Rodent said:

    I don't think criticism is being levelled at Tessa Daly. It is at those who put her there.

     There's a reason apprentices aren't allowed to ride at premium Saturday meetings until they reach a certain level of proficiency.
     I think the criticism lies squarely at the feet of those who think it's more important to tick a box than put high quality content to air.
    You are right there about aiming the ones who put her there,one more high profile race,The gold Rudh and then it will give her time to get the confidence,I'm sure she will be fine good luck.

    silky likes this post.

  • RodentRodent    7,262 posts
    Yes, I don't think The Pinnacles should be used as work experience. Training should be done behind the scenes and if and when you reach the required standard, off you go. It seems there either are no standards or the bar has been set very low.

    silky likes this post.

    I still haven't seen her.
  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    Nor having a go at Tess,but was watching races from over East yesterday,thought what pleasure listening to Emma Freeman,Lizzy Jelfs,Richard and new on the spot Kathy Ohara and at Cranbourne Kate Walters so professional,but they have been on the job a long time.
    Tessa is doing her best and I doubt there is a queue of females lining up behind her for the role
  • PardoPardo    7 posts
    Sometimes it’s about who you know….
  • psychopsycho    737 posts
    Pardo said:

    Sometimes it’s about who you know….

    That's what happens in lots of workplaces, nothing wrong with that. My first job was simply due to who I know, bloody hard work it was but I got paid and I'm still in business over 40 years later. What I'd like to know is the efficiency of Tessas tips, strike rate or POT would be good to know. For that matter be nice to see how all tipsters go over any period of time. Tipsters from the mounting yard (and I don't just mean Tessa here) have a huge advantage as they can tip 3-4 mins out from a race thereby giving them track conditions, betting fluctuations, horses in the yard (obviously) track bias (if you believe in it). I rarely see what Tess is tipping as I'm normally already on and don't take tips as I do my own form/selections. Be good to know on this occasion how Tess has been going over the last 3 months or so since she took on the job
  • PardoPardo    7 posts
    Get what you’re saying mate. She is from a racing background ground up in Carnarvon. I often send my mates my race to race tips. I recon it’s good fun. I also like it when Scotty doesn’t tip my horse sometimes gives them a boost hahaha
  • shothrushothru    278 posts

    Tessa is doing her best and I doubt there is a queue of females lining up behind her for the role

    We counted 12 walking around the stalls with microphones  on Railway Day

    Vincent_vega likes this post.

    Watching Tessa Daly on RacingWA and she’s definitely improving at a rapid rate - well done

    Manchild, detonator, Buddy123, thefalcon likes this post.

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