Carey I don't intend to keep this ongoing however if you put up Robodebt which Labor certainly contributed to. I will raise you Garrett and his bed buddies and the Pink Batts. In addition I will include the approx 900 asylum seekers on the tragic boat incident under jockey Bozo Bowen and his party as well as the damage he has done and continues to do financially, physically and emotionally with his climate change and renewable religion. How about I throw in Labour via huge money donations to UNRWA which financially rewards and supports Hamas the terrorist organisation which aligns with their anti Israel policy
Carey I don't intend to keep this ongoing however if you put up Robodebt which Labor certainly contributed to. I will raise you Garrett and his bed buddies and the Pink Batts. In addition I will include the approx 900 asylum seekers on the tragic boat incident under jockey Bozo Bowen and his party as well as the damage he has done and continues to do financially, physically and emotionally with his climate change and renewable religion. How about I throw in Labour via huge money donations to UNRWA which financially rewards and supports Hamas the terrorist organisation which aligns with their anti Israel policy
Now tell me who should really be in Jail.
I will leave the discussion at that.
Of course you will.
It's very funny that's the worst you could come up with.
Even I, who would be far closer to Labor beliefs(well what they used to be) could come up with stuff worse than that.
Pink Batts may have been badly done, but it was essentially something to benefit people, that went wrong.
Robodebt was set up to DEFRAUD people.
Your climate change religion is nothing other than your bias.
And to Bushbookie......stick to bookmaking if that's what you are.
Maybe Carey . But Todays Labor is a trillion miles away from from what I knew when working and voting for them .Even you got to admit listening to Albo yesterday on Media telling Russia that they have to hand over the Aussie caught fighting for Ukraine because hes innocent ffs was totally embassessing . I'm totally for Ukraine but any Foreigner caught by the Ruskies on a battlefield is fame game and they can do anything they want with him .
Yep Slip . I've been Labor all my life but wont be voting for them probably ever again . And it all comes down to our lack of support for Israel . Can see Australia slowly turning into Australiastan right in front of my eyes . Arab Albo and Palestine Penny are way too Anti- Semetic for me and plenty of other Non Believers but we still are extremely happy to be governed by Christian - Judean Values . Just get the feeling Albo and Penny want to add Islamic Values on too .
It was idiotical when you posted it and it's still idiotical now.
They are far from being anti semetic, when it all got bad over there last October '23 then Wong was all for Israel, but then she sensed that the public as a whole were for the Palestinians, and she changed tack slightly.
Albanese is **** weak, and he just goes which ever way he thinks is going to be popular
I had never taking much interest in events over there until the last several years when the GENOCIDE( and that is exactly what it is), was fed to me in endless stream of videos,
And that a good few of my Jewish friends were also angry with what Israel was doing.
If you can look at all that Israel has done in the last several years, and not despise them, then what more do you think they could do to get you?
Carey , you are just a typical brainwashed Jew Hating Anti- Semitist . Do you even know what a Genocide is . Its a total state attempt to exterminate a race , religion or nation of people . Theres axually more Gazans now alive then before Oct7th 2023. W TF do you think all your Hamas terrorists were doing with their women hiding in their tunnels under schools and hospitals . Theres been 105,000 births in Gaza in the last 15 months ,link Red Cresent .If Jews were'nt involved the world would not give a toss . How many children have died in the Yemen Civil War 2013 - 2025 - 258,000 . Plus 70,000 died of famine . No One marches or rallies for them . You Carey could'nt give a toss about them . How many kids have died in the Syrian Civil War over the past 15 years - 500,000 . You dont care CAREY you hypocrite .No Jews , No news . My Jewish friends have seen the types of you Carey make their lives a horror in the last 15 months and all want Hamas totally destroyed . The only videos you've been watching is typical Pallywood fake news . When was the last time Carey you seen a Pro Palestine PEACE March ffs . Never - Its in Hamas offical charter to kill every World Jew .
Carey I don't intend to keep this ongoing however if you put up Robodebt which Labor certainly contributed to. I will raise you Garrett and his bed buddies and the Pink Batts. In addition I will include the approx 900 asylum seekers on the tragic boat incident under jockey Bozo Bowen and his party as well as the damage he has done and continues to do financially, physically and emotionally with his climate change and renewable religion. How about I throw in Labour via huge money donations to UNRWA which financially rewards and supports Hamas the terrorist organisation which aligns with their anti Israel policy
Now tell me who should really be in Jail.
I will leave the discussion at that.
I forgot to add, that I need to thank you. I just donated some sizable(for me) sums to UNRWA. as I like supporting causes I believe in, which means it's usually for groups that support the environment(ie: Treehuggers...take note Rio!!!!)
@carey it is disappointing that you choose to fund terrorism even if indirectly.
UNRWA confirmed that the Hamas leader in Lebanon, Fatah Sharif, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike, was an UNRWA employee. Sharif doubled as a school principal and headed the UNRWA Teachers' Association in Lebanon. UNRWA chief Lazzarini says he didn't know Sharif was a Hamas commander. Just like he said he didn't know about a Hamas server farm which the IDF uncovered under UNRWA's Gaza HQ, the militarization of UNRWA schools by Hamas and the hundreds of other active terrorists UNRWA employs. The more Israel's claims are proven true, the more Lazzarini dismisses them as "disinformation". He has not fired a single employee for membership in a terrorist organization. Lazzarini should say what is by now obvious: UNRWA's quasi-state scale and near-total reliance on local staff, which are unique in the UN system, make it indefensible against massive terror infiltration. It is an unsustainable and dangerous anomaly. UNRWA can and should be phased out in Gaza in a responsible manner. Terrorism must be delinked from humanitarian operations.
Carey , you are just a typical brainwashed Jew Hating Anti- Semitist . Do you even know what a Genocide is . Its a total state attempt to exterminate a race , religion or nation of people . Theres axually more Gazans now alive then before Oct7th 2023. W TF do you think all your Hamas terrorists were doing with their women hiding in their tunnels under schools and hospitals . Theres been 105,000 births in Gaza in the last 15 months ,link Red Cresent .If Jews were'nt involved the world would not give a toss . How many children have died in the Yemen Civil War 2013 - 2025 - 258,000 . Plus 70,000 died of famine . No One marches or rallies for them . You Carey could'nt give a toss about them . How many kids have died in the Syrian Civil War over the past 15 years - 500,000 . You dont care CAREY you hypocrite .No Jews , No news . My Jewish friends have seen the types of you Carey make their lives a horror in the last 15 months and all want Hamas totally destroyed . The only videos you've been watching is typical Pallywood fake news . When was the last time Carey you seen a Pro Palestine PEACE March ffs . Never - Its in Hamas offical charter to kill every World Jew .
There is a difference between getting rid of Hamas and the destruction and murdering of innocents.
You missed the part where I said that I have JEWISH friends that also despise what Israel is doing.
You can call me all the names you want too. Water off a ducks back.
Where it's true that I have not taken notice of other middle eastern hot spots, it's also true that I was taking no notice of what is happening to the Palestinians, until I was receiving a lot of correspondence from Palestinians begging for funds.
As I was unsure of how genuine any were, that's when I decided to donate to UNRWA, after doing some research.
See Trumps cutting off all the USAs aid to UNRWA which will leave it virtually broke . Carey might have to give the punt away and donate his yearly loses to UNRWA.
Of course you will.
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It was idiotical when you posted it and it's still idiotical now.
I just donated some sizable(for me) sums to UNRWA. as I like supporting causes I believe in, which means it's usually for groups that support the environment(ie: Treehuggers...take note Rio!!!!)
Lazzarini should say what is by now obvious: UNRWA's quasi-state scale and near-total reliance on local staff, which are unique in the UN system, make it indefensible against massive terror infiltration. It is an unsustainable and dangerous anomaly. UNRWA can and should be phased out in Gaza in a responsible manner. Terrorism must be delinked from humanitarian operations.
I did my due diligence and I am happy to keep on doing it.
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