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Two Year Old Feature Race Date Changes

Harness & Greyhounds
Very late notification of date changes for those who had planned ahead, with the concentration of feature race dates all around February/March to coincide with the Sale. A mad scramble from some owners rescheduling work routines for their "yearlings" to try and fit in around the much earlier dates although for some, the two months won't be enough time.

The move of the dates is not the issue, it has been talked about for a while and makes sense to actually have a more condensed  "two year old season" so to speak rather than spread out all over the year.

What it highlights is the questionable change to the "horses birthdays" to December31st/Janaury 1st? Like many HRA decisions, what has it actually achieved to improve the product? Aside from tipping the calendar upside down and throwing programming of juvenile features into a continually evolving dates mish mash, the answer I suspect is bugger all.

From memory, the date change was to accommodate the Breeders Crown races for guaranteed mega stakes in Victoria but that has all gone belly up with massive stakes cuts and downgrades. The thoroughbreds stuck with the original season dates. no knee jerk changes for zero benefit for them, and we should chuck the date change out the window. It has achieved nothing.


  • warrenrobinsonwarrenrobinson    262 posts
    JJ can you name one change that has actually benefited harness racing over the last 30-40 years or maybe document the failures. The tail continues to wag the dog.
  • savethegamesavethegame    2,966 posts
    Thought originally the change was made when Covid was about, then some nude nut started the add-ons, would suit longevity of two yearolds extra four , months for prep., then think N.Z had to follow suit because when horse turned three in N.Z he could come to Australia and race as a two yearold until Jan. they changed year after Aus..
  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts
    edited December 2024
    Crikey, where do you start? The date change has been a real doozy with the original intention of spreading the features across the season now being contradicted with a concentration of the dates. Really, the left foot knows not what the right foot is up to, a bit like Danny the Three Legged dog. But that is a state based decision that RWWA has made, probably an improvement. One wonders what other gems await us with track rationalisation in the New Year. Will it be before or after the State Election is announced. Slightly after is the firming favourite according to some in the National Party. Anyway, a few other "highlights" from HRA.
    • Handicapping has been a revolving door for decades, every change, every incarnation and subsequent tweak was going to "enhance racing, increase turnover, bring back interest and crowds"....all the flannel we hear endlessly. None of the changes have worked, the facts show beyond all doubt that since the old 2.28 and better and standing starts being the predominant form of racing, it has been downhill at a rapidly increasing rate. Minor sugar hits along the way but ultimately, it is an inconvenient truism.
    • What about the Stallion Tax (footed by breeders) to fund the NSW based Eureka for 10 already well to do owners. $921k raised that goes directly to one race and in the process drives another dagger into the breeding industry with less mares being bred etc. Absolutely shocking piece of policy along with punitive threats to any breeders who spoke out against it. Run all the slot races you like but "user pays" has to be the basis.
    • Whilst on breeding, the introduction of Artificial Insemination, rejected by the Thoroughbred Industry, has arguably been the biggest contributor to the massive downsizing of the breeding industry and the number of annual foalings. Again, another unfortunate truism, the numbers have plummeted. The decline in Western Australian figures on registered stallions, matings and foals on the ground is horrible reading, barely believable.
    • For brevity, lets bracket the changes they made to the Interdominion which although not terminal thanks to an absurdly costly WA revival, put it in to Intensive Care where it remains to this day.....and one of the more laughable decisions being the abandonment of Mile Rates in favour of the ridiculous "kilometer rates" which no one understood and which got binned after a couple of embarrassing seasons.
    • We cam also group the disappearance of the Australian Derby and the Australian Pacing Championships and the "going into hiding" of The Australian Grand Circuit which although present by name, initiates almost zero interest in the media landscape.
    • You could devote an entire thread to Integrity Issues and standards, animal welfare, import taxes, freeze branding, the banning/reinstating of the whip (an ongoing saga) but there is overflow to state authorities that clouds those issues.
    The tail continues to wag the dog furiously but nothing changes. Not an exhaustive list. One thing they are good at is recognising each other with awards, suit lapels are heavily weighed down with feel good medals, life memberships and the like. Very big on self praise whilst watching the industry disappear.
  • savethegamesavethegame    2,966 posts
    Jay Jay I am reading it right .So 52 days notice has been given for two year olds . Surely if they believe in these changes 25/ 26 season.would be the best option everyone would. be on same page, having said that busy little session in the heat of summer for the babies, and if your from eastern districts throw in trip to Bunbury. .

    Feb 7
    Feb 18 Apg heats
    Feb. 28 Apg final
    March. 7 West Classic
    March. 14 Braclet
    March. 21 Champage Classic

    Older horses can be target specific , two yearolds different ball game.
  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts
    Yep ...but waiting for the "Crap On Old Guys Views" brigade to receive their instructions from City Hall to ridicule any expressions of concern from those daring to express a preference for when the Industry was not bankrupt and when management was not so inept and self centred.

    I think you are right about the initial date change being triggered by Covid....and I understand that a bit as no one thought we would keep racing but, to their credit we did, they managed it well, albeit for a 20% reduction in stakes which I still believe should be paid to owners. Why you may ask? 

    Well, perversely turnover shot up quite dramatically during Covid and we should have been racing for 20% more, some would say. Owners, trainers and drivers copped it right up the blurter in that period and the "stolen" stake money was never returned.

    Once the realization prevailed that we would keep racing, the date change should have been binned. NZ initially refused to comply but with the reality of their export market, quickly fell in line. It has done nothing for the Industry and will do nothing for the Industry.

    savethegame likes this post.

  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts
    Mate had a conspiracy theory about what you post on social media and how often you get a RBD gate 9. Called it the "squeaky gate clause'. Starting to think he is on to something.  :)) :)) :))

    LightningJake likes this post.

  • Rocket_ReignRocket_Reign    902 posts
    JayJay said:

    Mate had a conspiracy theory about what you post on social media and how often you get a RBD gate 9. Called it the "squeaky gate clause'. Starting to think he is on to something.  :)) :)) :))

    Penny Black agrees with this

    JayJay likes this post.

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