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edited December 2024 West Australian Racing
Anyone heard any plans Perth Racing have for Cup Day with Temp 39,are they having restrictions or starting a bit later


  • psychopsycho    737 posts
    GLAMOUR said:

    Anyone heard any plans Perth Racing have for Cup Day with Temp 39,are they having restrictions or starting a bit later

    The only forecast I can see at this stage is 38C on BOM, however that is the point where something has to be done to alter start times or "venue" before the meeting starts. Obviously moving the meeting is completely out of the question so now they will need to change the start time if the forecast remains at 38 or higher. Dont think they are going to change times too early as they will most likely wait for tomorrows afternoon forecast from BOM before thinking about alternatives. My guess is the best alternative whether practical or not is moving it to Saturday
  • psychopsycho    737 posts
    GLAMOUR said:

    Anyone heard any plans Perth Racing have for Cup Day with Temp 39,are they having restrictions or starting a bit later

    OK so I just seen the new forecast which says 39C, so now there is big decisions to make unless the forecast changes tomorrow by at least 2 degrees. The temp is forecast to hit 38 at 1pm and 39 at 2pm so the race meeting would need to be finished by 1.00pm. I would now say that unless we get the temp changed downwards the meeting needs to be moved. I cannot see PR wanting to race the meeting like a couple of weeks ago when it finished at around 1.40pm, that would be a total disaster for PR. My guess is Perth Cup on Saturday ?
  • NgawyniNgawyni    763 posts
    Belmont 39. Perth Airport 40. Moving the Cup meeting to Saturday and the Saturday meeting to another day (midweek if necessary) makes sense. Another 9 am start would be a joke.

    psycho likes this post.

  • psychopsycho    737 posts
    Just to clarify the RWWA policy
    If the forecast temp at 9am the day prior to the meeting is 38C or higher the Stewards will decide on an action for the meeting at which time they have 4 options

    1) Change the start/finish time of the meeting
    2) Change the venue
    3) Change the meeting to a different day
    4) Abandon the meeting

    As options 2 and 4 are IMPOSSIBLE and option 1 "unlikely" we are left with option "3" at 9am on Tuesday if the forecast has not changed

    Ngawyni, SLIPPERGOLDEN likes this post.

    edited December 2024
    Good analysis and as in the movie Psycho you have had a good stab at the final result  :D

    Option 5..... Transfer to a cooler location...Albany  :))

    psycho, GLAMOUR, sonny likes this post.

  • Buddy123Buddy123    242 posts
    Perth cup 1 Million.. when did that happen.
    Seems about 10 years to late.. but nice
  • NgawyniNgawyni    763 posts
    1600 72+ moved to Saturday. Looks like they’re planning to race on Wednesday.
  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts
    6pm Perth Cup
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    weak prigs!!!
  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    7 races 3.37 start
  • JayJayJayJay    8,085 posts
    Imagine the state of the rat faced mob in that heat by Cup time? Oblivious to there being an actual race being run.

    SLIPPERGOLDEN likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    JJ that "rat faced mob" have been to any number of cups, many on extremely hot days...complaints? not a peep.
    JJ we are about the same vintage...don't you think we've become so bloody lily livered? big daddy has to keep us all in check, unable to think or do for ourselves...so daddy hopes.

    don't get me on teens..all they need it a bloody good caning...now you'd finish up in gaol if you gave them a kick in the ****.
    the cop that was recently attacked now has the indignity of scrutiny to see if he touched (hit) the little barstid.
    the worlds pharqued.

    altern8vu likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    see my cup comments on the pinjarra boxing day thread.
  • GLAMOURGLAMOUR    769 posts
    Cup field 15 then there are 2 11 horse fields and 4 9 horse fields.
  • spinkingspinking    3,902 posts
    Falcon at the heart of the matter concerning your comments about the cup having a rescheduled start time due to the heat. The issue here is the welfare of the horse now more than ever with agencies like PETA etc who are all out to finish racing without the reshuffled start time all it would do is add another string to there bow. You say you have attended the cup since the sixties like a lot of us on here have . But without these concessions to start times due to the heat policy . You may not be attending many more over the next 60 years . Why because there won’t be one
    GLAMOUR said:

    GLAMOUR said:

    7 races 3.37 start

    Annoyed as certain races clash with my UK TV soapies 

  • sonnysonny    1,302 posts
    Hey Slip, Tape the races...
    Another concern is if the races dont start on time they may be switched to Sky 2 for races at Dapto Dogs or other insignificant venue  ;))

    Chris, RIO likes this post.

  • AbbysAceAbbysAce    643 posts
    It would be interesting to compare the figures of the meeting they switched to the early start a couple of Saturdays ago against Perth cup delayed meeting?
  • FrogFrog    115 posts
    I would bet earlier better. E/S punters ready to rock and punt at 12.30 est.
    sonny said:

    Hey Slip, Tape the races...

    Normally would do however having problems wth my Sony Betamax video recorder

    sonny likes this post.

  • ChrisChris    5,411 posts

    Treasured Queen
    Bopping Blues
    In Good Order

    Happy new year!
  • ChrisChris    5,411 posts
    edited December 2024
    PS: Worst Summer Scorcher since I first walked into a TAB

    Tucool, jum likes this post.

  • PCPC    2,257 posts
    Demolish to hopefully run well in the Perth Cup. Is probably due. Happy New Year everyone.
  • actionaction    64 posts
    Chris said:

    PS: Worst Summer Scorcher since I first walked into a TAB

    Not great and how can you honestly bet in it...
    Disappointing Bonjoy is out.
  • actionaction    64 posts
    Let's Galahvant (should have won Cox) & Diamond Scene in Cup for me.
  • bradybrady    1,460 posts
     Bars on the hind
    Let’s Galahvant is a concern

    thefalcon likes this post.

  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    i'm having a couple of bucks on Iowa... :-B
  • VoodooVoodoo    1,306 posts
    Serpentine ....wide gate wont matter will lead or sit in the breeze....

    oldhendo likes this post.

  • RodentRodent    7,262 posts
    edited January 1
    Ascot 1/1 Race 5: (3) LET'S GALAHVANT - Bar Shoe (near-fore) ON as per last start. #waracing
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