In this Discussion
- AbbysAce February 6
- Arapaho January 11
- ashleighmp January 15
- Betonme February 5
- Chariotsonfire January 14
- Chopchop43 February 6
- Frog February 5
- G-Mac January 12
- getthechange January 22
- JayJay January 21
- jum January 20
- KTQ January 17
- loose_goose January 15
- Markovina January 22
- meatpie January 22
- Moonraker January 23
- MorganJames January 17
- Muldoon January 23
- savethegame January 18
- sonny January 22
- TimmyBee January 22
- warrenrobinson February 6
JimmyPop likes this post.
so if it worked why is it non existent now ?? Or did it only work in your opinion??? Remember we don't work on opinions we just work on facts. I think people are entitled to like or dislike what they want if, everyone was to just 'fuck off' as your high iq response suggests then we most likely wouldn't have an industry, I'll openly admit I'm not optimistic about the nr system, if it was so good why is it that well known that it's nationally hated by the majority of participants over east ?? And to that point what makes people think it's going to work over here. Or is it a case of it's just the lesser of 2 evils so support it ???
TimmyBee likes this post.
Offthebit, JimmyPop likes this post.
Markovina likes this post.
Chopchop43, TimmyBee likes this post.
sounds like it wasn't as perfect as what some people made it out to seem, end of the day there is never going to be a perfect system but you at least want the majority of participants on board with whatever system we are handed
TimmyBee, JimmyPop likes this post.
TimmyBee likes this post.
that's what I was getting at before, would the average starting price of favourites be a better way to measure the success to a degree of the nr system rather than average price of the winner
don’t be too harsh, the memory does start to go…
not too many that's for sure, but usually there 100/1 for a reason and most wouldn't of had a cent on them
JimmyPop, LightningJake likes this post.
Chopchop43, JimmyPop likes this post.
warrenrobinson likes this post.
cisco likes this post.
One based on NR, one based on discretionary, and the other based on how many lifetime wins.
My personal opinion is they stick to the first two.
savethegame likes this post.
savethegame likes this post.