Leave the humour to Slipper please Muldoon. But very clever. Selling cars Willie
Saw him at the car place and had a good chat to him. Long story short, told him a story about a tip we got on a horse called Octalert. Horse ridden by Willie himself. Octalert was a crazy horse, wore pacifiers to try and calm it down but the tip was strong from a reliable source. Anyway me and a mate go down to Pinj to back it. We got on, only to be rolled by a nose by an 80/1 pop. Only thing we could afford on the way home was a 30c ice cream from maccas hahaah. We had a good laugh telling the story, he even remembered the race.
yeah, lee newman. i had dinner with him one night along with ........ he's good conversationalist and an all round nice guy. i broke him up with the following story.
a young girl from glasgow takes a skirt into a drycleaners.
"can i ha it back be 5 o'clock"
the drycleaner was somewhat deaf and cupped his ear "come again"
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Saw him at the car place and had a good chat to him. Long story short, told him a story about a tip we got on a horse called Octalert. Horse ridden by Willie himself. Octalert was a crazy horse, wore pacifiers to try and calm it down but the tip was strong from a reliable source. Anyway me and a mate go down to Pinj to back it. We got on, only to be rolled by a nose by an 80/1 pop. Only thing we could afford on the way home was a 30c ice cream from maccas hahaah. We had a good laugh telling the story, he even remembered the race.
thefalcon, spinking likes this post.
Manchild, Notapuntas, Desperado likes this post.