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Geraldton 9th April off
West Australian Racing
RWWA Thoroughbreds
47 minutes ago
47 minutes ago
Tomorrow's Geraldton meeting has been postponed after the track received 48mm of rainfall in the last 48hrs
Or have i just forgotten that this happens every Summer???
When a similar amount of rain can cause a major day's racing in Sydney to be called off I don't think we can expect more from country tracks where it seldom rains in summer.
Aussiereds72, RIO, rustyh, Thoroly_Bread, nosoup4u likes this post.
You gotta be joking. Safety is everything.
So as the club said it was okay, the stewards did their inspectional and it was okay, the jockeys then say it isn't.. If that is the case then every time there is rain the jockey's should be consulted before the stewards and club officials. Even if it means flying two senior jocks up there the night before..
Sure the track looked suspicious to the club and Stewards and they are just making the Jockeys the scapegoats??? Or didn't the stewards do a full track inspection? Or did they arrive on track at the same time as the jockeys?? Instead of the night before on a track that was a bit dodgy already??
The situation to cancel at ??? whatever time as there is no announcement on CRIS or TABTOUCH about when it was cancelled appears once again to be right on the death knell of when they were meant to commence!!!
8-}Chelsea dislikes this post.
these are the same jockey's that demand we put them on our horses in certain races, as they cant make a fair the expense of apprentices!?!?!?!?! WTF is going on??? No wonder there is no announcement on CRIS, how could you explain this one??
And the losers are ...the owners....100k in prize money not going back into someone's pocket..The trainers also but they generally get some sort of pittance compensation from RWWA, to at least cover their costs.. The Owners get sweet phark all..
Where's our Owners Own Spokesman when we need him..Oops funded by RWWA, so cant say too much can they..
RIO, JustanL, thefalcon, notapunta likes this post.
the only thing one can take from that is that they DON'T want anybody to see it.
you could not make this stuff up where rwwa and arse covering is concerned.
there is ALWAYS somebody else to blame.....ALWAYS
thefalcon likes this post.
i am constantly staggered by their inability to learn from past mistakes and put in place work procedures that don't allow this crap to happen..
JustanL, thefalcon likes this post.
remember the old saying, the sign on the boss's desk says "the buck stops here"?
they are nothing but disorganised rabble and an enquiry into their incompetence should be conducted..but an unbiased enquiry into a govt. entity....dream on....
JustanL likes this post.
I think the media release sums it up pretty well, it was lucky no one was hurt in the trials, my horse fell before it even made it to the barriers for the start so it sure was slippery. In the second trial one of the jocks rides slipped in running but was fortunately able to regain its footing without falling or it would have been a nasty end of proceedings.
While it is probably fair to say that the media release is accurate, it still was a right royal **** up and lucky in the end that no one was injured. Calling off the races was definitely the right decision, just a shame it had to happen the way it did.
RIO, Dale, Fastmoney, thefalcon likes this post.
Safety is always important...may have been a slight knee jerk reaction towards the jocks in frustration but the main beef is on how it was handled by RWWA.....they should have been there on top of the situation well before the airplane delay could've taken effect...then to do that media release(which i still cant find) that they and the club passed it for racing but the jocks said no....always stinks of the stipes putting the pressure on the jocks....which is a crap thing to do.
it is the dumb repeating of similar situations that are annoying...imo
If what is reported is correct, they obviously can`t judge what is a safe track.
RIO likes this post.
on another matter now trusting the information I got is correct The trials at Kalgoorlie saturday were not run prior to the meeting due to the track which got through the meeting but the club would not allow the trials to be run after because it would probably cause more damage to the track. Surely 1 trial is not going to make that much difference and I do know some horses traveled all the way from Esperance for the trial. Owners are copping a right royal shafting everywhere
RIO likes this post.
anyway this is just a waste of energy, there doesn't appear to be any will to permanently change these sort of short comings...If they still havent got an effect way to communicate what is happening, there is no chance they will sort out how to prevent post start time abandoned meetings!!!!
Too many looking to blame others for their own mistakes.
SPUDLEY likes this post.
the Media Release - which i still cant find anywhere - nearly throws blame at the jocks and the airline for having a delay in making the decision....thats bullshit. they should have been up there the day before to make sure thievery was okay for the race day.