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How many months for Glyn Schofield

East Coast Racing


  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    edited April 2017

    paraletic said:

    How long ago was this fifty?

    Would've been thirty years ago. Won't mention any names as the bloke is still around and may be having a chuckle if he looks at this forum. Good old fashioned justice in my opinion.
    There are a fair few owners of horses on here. What amazes me is you have to power to deny cheats an avenue to ply their trade yet we keep seeing 'suspect' rides. Jim Cassidy sure retired quick when he realised people were over him and were more willing to book younger, hungrier riders.

    Lendmefifty likes this post.

  • GilgameshGilgamesh    4,972 posts

    @Lendmefifty Punters might be naive but that doesn't mean they're stupid. It's the stewards' job to come down hard on anything dodgy after the fact-or before it if possible. I guess as a punter the only smart thing you can do is avoid backing hoops with form. Surely Schofield has worn out his welcome with Waller? Chris can't expect Winx to insulate him from scrutiny and criticism forever.

    It's like Terror Force when Jerry Noske rode it and tried to ease it out of the race and the horse got going again on over the final 200m. I posted a question asking what the hell happened. Low and behold, the next week Mr W Pike rode it home for a slim win at double figures. Nothing untoward, I just think she became unbalanced but as a punter that sort of thing just screams GET ON.

    I saw you bring that up and I'm glad you did as I was on Terror Force for a stack and when Jerry eased up I thought what the he'll is she doing! Then I thought maybe I was imagining that it was just going to win if she kept riding but seeing someone else mention it helped ease my mind and follow up.

    Lendmefifty likes this post.

  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    you could see the point where the horse struck itself and she stopped riding... this is VASTLY different from pulling one up intentionally. She obviously realised it had done itself an injury...

    Mis-strode and blundered passing the 400m with the rider then easing the gelding down in the straight. A post-race Veterinary examination of the gelding revealed it to have quartered its near fore heel.

    Gilgamesh, Lendmefifty likes this post.

  • GilgameshGilgamesh    4,972 posts
    TheDiva said:

    you could see the point where the horse struck itself and she stopped riding... this is VASTLY different from pulling one up intentionally. She obviously realised it had done itself an injury...

    Mis-strode and blundered passing the 400m with the rider then easing the gelding down in the straight. A post-race Veterinary examination of the gelding revealed it to have quartered its near fore heel.

    Yep don't disagree with that at all, doesn't stop it hurting though when it gets home like it did.

    Lendmefifty likes this post.

  • GilgameshGilgamesh    4,972 posts
    A week later that is.
  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    Gilgamesh said:

    A week later that is.

    A week later Glynn will still be a cheat [-X
  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    might have hurt as a punter... but as an owner, I would be very happy that she pulled it up when she thought something was amiss... at least they had a horse the week later! 

    Gilgamesh, thefalcon, Lendmefifty likes this post.

  • LendmefiftyLendmefifty    227 posts
    Yep, I'd have to agree that as an owner you'd be happy she did try to pull it up. I did see that something happened in the race and I thought it was an oh **** moment when you get caught off guard for Jerry, which I imagine can happen pretty easily when you are looking at the field in front of you and trying to gauge what is going on while planning your run. I knew the horse was going very well and when I saw Pike on it, I jumped all over it.

    Any updates as to what the go is with the Schofield issue?
  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    edited April 2017
    @Lendmefifty As far as I am aware no date has been set for the stewards' hearing. There's certainly been less in the media of late and you'd imagine it will be major news when something happens.
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts
    ...if it does happen..... :-B
  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    I'd reckon they're looking for a smoking gun-i.e betting records. Unlikely to find it but that just means he'll get less time. Still reckon he deserves time and it won't go down well if he walks. Interesting test for Murrihy's replacement so I doubt he'd be taking it lightly. 
  • dungydungy    9,278 posts
    Greedy little grub there quick to put there filthy little mits out for a sling when they win but when they carve up they don't hand it back !!!
  • ManchildManchild    777 posts
    If Schofield has laid it on citibet, the authorities will never know whats going on.They can't get betting records.
  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    Manchild said:

    If Schofield has laid it on citibet, the authorities will never know whats going on.They can't get betting records.

    I doubt anyone is dumb enough to do anything that leaves a trail after J Mac copped 18 months for backing his own horse.
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts

    T_R_P you have to remember most of them are as dumb as duck s*it....

  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    edited May 2017
    Not so many moons ago Avdulla was 'warned' about who he was hanging around with. Not all of them are stupid enough to text pro punters like they're bae. J Mac still appealed even though the sentence was mandatory. He has next to no chance getting back in with Godolphin now that O'Shea is gone, although his chances were slim at best anyway.

    J Mac dating Katie Mallyon now according to twitter. Maybe advising 'Tegan(Harrison) Of The South' on how to win by not leading every race is how he will spend his days?
  • H-BOMBERH-BOMBER    10,469 posts
    thefalcon said:

    T_R_P you have to remember most of them are as dumb as duck s*it....

    Cmon @falc thats not nice, or fair. 

    We all have our smarts one way or another and that comment is pretty offensive i reckon, even said tongue in cheek
  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    H-BOMBER said:

    thefalcon said:

    T_R_P you have to remember most of them are as dumb as duck s*it....

    Cmon @falc thats not nice, or fair. 

    We all have our smarts one way or another and that comment is pretty offensive i reckon, even said tongue in cheek
    You almost had me there, Bomber. But then I think of that vid posted on here of Yendall poking his tongue out when asked bout Pikey and I think, yeah, he's not that bright.  Don't ever change DY!  ;))
  • FastmoneyFastmoney    4,912 posts
    Cleared of any wrongdoing.
  • spinkingspinking    3,902 posts
    Don't want to say told you so Peterman but told you so  yes I was serious no action action taken , as Savethegame stated bad luck sir move on
  • FastmoneyFastmoney    4,912 posts
    edited May 2017
    "G Schofield was advised that there have been several rides of his in
    NSW, which have come under notice and he was reminded of his requirement to ensure public confidence, that he rides his mounts in such a manner that is not subject to query."

    Not sure what stewards are trying to say here?

    Thought it was the Steward`s job to ensure public confidence by penalizing jockeys whose rides come under notice.

    spinking, The_Real_Peterman likes this post.

  • spinkingspinking    3,902 posts
    100percent agree Fastmoney there job insuring public confidence in the industry
  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    spinking said:

    Don't want to say told you so Peterman but told you so  yes I was serious no action action taken , as Savethegame stated bad luck sir move on

    I suppose they dragged it on for as long as they did so people would forget. They should reinstate J Mac now or re-sign.
  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    edited May 2017
    I'm not sure what 'irregular patterns' are supposed to be with respect to betting markets? If a jockey was paid to hook one, the only thing an alarming market drift would tell you is that someone talked. Far more money is taken on a horse backed from $3.30-$2.70 than a similar market shift in the opposite direction. You want to get as many suckers backing it and then hook it and everyone profits.

    All this does-and J Mac's case, too- is broadcast to jockeys and fixers to keep their mouths shut, don't communicate in any way that leaves a trail.
  • thefalconthefalcon    20,295 posts

    ^^^ oh so true, T_R_P.......sadly so....

  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    thefalcon said:

    ^^^ oh so true, T_R_P.......sadly so....

    The Stewards don't really want to do anything unless they have no choice-a massive betting drift is akin to a signed confession. How much money was actually lost on the horse? It was a VERY good result for bookies.
  • detonatordetonator    4,386 posts
    I read a post on Racenet where someone commented that the stewards put all their efforts into finding reasons why Schofield shouldn't be suspended instead of why he should be.
    Have to agree on that one.
    Probably working on the innocent until proven guilty action. Probably less controversial going with the verdict they gave.
    I understand split second decisions by jockeys come into play etc, but IMO his ride needed to be penalised.
  • Piston_BrokePiston_Broke    2,047 posts
    thefalcon said:

    but para WHY in Gods name would Waller do or be agreeable to anything shonkie? WHY would Schofield, one of Wallers retained riders do anything so stupid as to "hook one"?

    Falc this is the same guy who re employed his manager who was tangled up in the HK sale of a racehorse, he took him back so you have to wonder did he have a role too ?

  • The_Real_PetermanThe_Real_Peterman    192 posts
    edited May 2017
    @detonator Even allowing for the possibility of it being a split second decision, a jockey of his experience would be expected to make the right one. He's 50yrs old and has probably seen just about every scenario that unfolds in a race. He would know how to prevent his whip getting tangled up in the reins but also how to get it stuck in the first place. He would have known momentum was important. Yes, the track appeared leaderish but, as is often the case, the rival jockeys over did it. Kathy O'Hara(Little Miss Chelsy) injected pace into the race at the 1000m mark and her horse has finished 20L last. If he'd been one out one back or back on the rail, you could understand him waiting for the opening with the reasoning being the inside appeared to be better ground. But he was well back and the leader had stolen a huge break.

     In fact, Glyn doesn't get moving until the Waterhouse/Bott runner, Multitude, shifts out and takes the run Glyn was apparently sweating on. Glyn sees free air only because he is taking evasive action. Once he's in open space Schofield has not option but to go-but then he gets his whip stuck. How convenient.
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