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Busso 23/24
Harness & Greyhounds
Jonimac Place 10s fixed
Velvet Shadow
He’s Rotal Blue
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Velvet Shadow
He’s Rotal Blue
Flash Mob
+1 -1
Gilgamesh, VillageKid likes this post.
freodockers, VillageKid likes this post.
savethegame, LightningJake, Offthebit, jum, Gilgamesh, Markovina, Chariotsonfire, VillageKid, freodockers, Betonme likes this post.
VillageKid, LightningJake likes this post.
freodockers, JayJay, Gilgamesh, VillageKid, LightningJake likes this post.
Gilgamesh, VillageKid, LightningJake likes this post.
I’ll chime in just so you don’t think I’m radio silent, it’s great that they get a big crowd etc atmosphere is great.
This is all brilliant same with Collie.
This doesn’t change the fact that they’re our most expensive tracks and are hemorrhaging money, for them to become only a small loss they’d have to race for half the stakes they do now and I guess that wouldn’t change the crowd etc so would probably be a possibility rather than ceasing racing there
good on them for a good meeting. Well done to get all the holiday folks thru the gates.
I have plenty I can say but I can’t really be bothered. No point arguing with folks like Jar jar who clearly have an agenda and chose to only cherry pick the information that suits their narrative.
Rocket_Reign likes this post.
JayJay, savethegame, VillageKid, sonny, MorganJames, LightningJake likes this post.
Yeah I agree with what you’re saying, maybe there’s middle ground to be found where they race for far less prize money to keep themselves sustainable? Similar to sports where the top tier is well paid and the lower is closer to a love job
Cant_Refuse likes this post.
VillageKid, sonny, LightningJake likes this post.
VillageKid, freodockers, Gilgamesh, Offthebit, LightningJake likes this post.
jum, VillageKid, freodockers likes this post.
JayJay, savethegame, VillageKid, freodockers, LightningJake likes this post.
JayJay, savethegame, VillageKid, freodockers, LightningJake likes this post.
When it became 100% about turnover everything lost its way. The biggest earners got all the favours and the lowest codes got shitcanned.
Every business has a cost, if that is country racing so be it (you still need it). But if your biggest potential profit earner (GP) is running at a loss then you are in serious trouble.
I reckon 25 yrs is being very hopeful.
JayJay, savethegame, VillageKid, jum, LightningJake likes this post.
The main conversation should be around where do we build a training facility for young trainers and how many stables should we build.
That is where growth comes from, have a look at the 2yo field today at Pinjarra. RWWA identified an issue, put a programme in place and people started breeding again. Long gone are the 4 horse 2yo fields.
LightningJake likes this post.
In regards a training facility , huge fan of the idea of it , but I'd imagine to warrant building one you'd want to see an upwards trend of people entering the industry rather than leaving it, to justify that sort of investment , bigger fish to fry in terms of making the sport attractive for people to want to become active participants
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LightningJake likes this post.
well explain to me why it would be a great idea to sink millions of dollars into something for an industry that is stagnate, wouldn't you want to wait to see some improvement as far as numbers before making that investment ??? Or do we want another money blackhole ??
The question continually comes up from “what would you do” to turn things around.
Well the most obvious thing (that’s never been done before in WA) is a dedicated training facility for new trainers.
Just my opinion but that is a platform to build off.
Any redevelopments would follow based on results.
LightningJake likes this post.
Do they require a $24.7 million handout to keep operating aswell????
LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
like I said I like the idea of it 100% I'd probably use it myself, but if we are struggling to get people into the industry as participants as is I just fear it could just end up being a massive money pit and one the industry really can't afford at the moment, if the industry can do a full 360 and get people wanting to train especially the younger generation by all means great idea
who bets into the tote pool?
P.s Cherry picking at its finest
Markovina likes this post.
sonny, VillageKid likes this post.
sonny, Gilgamesh, Offthebit, freodockers, jum, LightningJake, VillageKid, Betonme likes this post.
This resulted in what i would guess about 80% of the connections in each race turning up to the course thinking they were at least some chance. Ultimately this results in moves, action, dare I say it entertainment.
Compare that to your usual Gloucester Park meet where no handicapping results in 80% of the connections turning up (if they even nominate for the "feature meeting") thinking they are no chance. Resulting in racing that is barely worth wattching on replay where you can watch the first 400m then fast forward to the last 400m, where all the horses are still in the same position trying to break the land speed record home to be in the finish.
Ive harped on it for a while but for the sport to actually survive you need to be attracting losing punters. You don't want people losing all the time but if you don't have losers, you don't have prizemoney. If those losers are finding zero entertainment in their night they are highly likely to rather throw their $50 on same game multi's over the weekend then to whack it on a borefest at GP.
JayJay, freodockers, jum, savethegame, LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
You do your form you can actually make $$ betting on a 600 mtr track with handicaps.
I think I will start another thread next meeting as it’s a long way back to the top.
Gilgamesh, JayJay, LightningJake, VillageKid likes this post.
Rocket_Reign, Cant_Refuse likes this post.