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Turf Talker


  • Manchild
    I rode the last winner there on Work Boy
    August 2023
  • Sooty
    Wondering if there will be any Easter deliveries? Will the Easter Bunny be hopping around giving out cash? Or, is it all quiet on the home front? Asking for a friend. Thank you, carry on. 
    April 2023
  • thefalcon
    slip, i can assure you rod would not have taken bets from anybody he perceived to be underage. that lunatic hunter would do anything. he came back bookmaking a while back and then disappeared again...heard he had a problem...
    i was very good mates with one of rods clerks, keith shorthill...played footy for one of the fremantles...
    January 2021
  • OnyaChina
    Mate I’m an ex Ferrier Hodgson / FTI partner in Asia. The reason the Sterling fraud has got me so worked up is that I’ve seen the suicides that come from frauds against retirees. It takes a particularly heinous cunt. If you or your journalist friends know of any contributor that need free advice or simply someone to try and keep them focussed on life please do reach out.

    Mark Chadwick 0437397004

    June 2019
  • thefalcon

    hi slip, yeah that flea hunter was rods apprentice. went out on his "own" with rods backing. thick as 2 short planks. seeing he was proxy for Bartlett i'd say he is banking him on his return..only my guess. hear he is doing the country...that mob will stitch him up big time.

    last I heard he was sharing a flat in Inglewood with that former top Sydney jock...who is now scratching for rides in Tasmania. if that is true is debateable. i'm having a senior moment..can't think of the jocks name..rode for simon miller for a the name, ganderton.

    Geoff aka the falcon

    June 2017
  • thefalcon
    thanks for your festive wishes, slip..mine in return. it upsets me when the pack puts the boot in when the guy can't defend himself. forgetting my mateship with mac, I find his calls quite acceptable. as for someone saying they ditched their ticket..thats crap. i'm giving Darren dads binoculars, he's rapt and so am I, they'll have a safe home and I asked him to pass them on to an inspiring young caller if the occasion arises. now i'm off for some eggnog....:)
    December 2014
  • thefalcon
    hi slip, dan is having some personal issues, wendy has contracted breast cancer.
    May 2014
  • thefalcon
    hi slip, keeping my head above the turbulent waters of the punt..dunno how blokes like bondyjnr and h-bomber go as they seem to bet on every race at every venue. billy muir is a judge, the other 2 on the panel, malpass and meens also moonlight as handicappers. surely muirs would not be a full time job!! i think hustwitt must have taken over from laurie millington as riding master. keep yer powder dry....
    January 2014