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2022 Perth MM

With the sale being seemingly just around the corner, i've scanned through what seems to be a strong catalogue with quite a few realated young'ns going through. I supposed the date rests with the McGowan gov but I for one can't see how the sale will go ahead on the prospected date.

Has anyone else had a look at whats on offer and what has caught your eye?
I note two fulls to group one winners are offered is this a first for Perth? In my time I can't remember any going through.

Overall I think vendors and MM have put together a strong product which should meet the market accordingly 


  • silkysilky    355 posts
    Delayed indefinitely but hoping to run it late Feb so it doesn’t interfere with other sales
  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    Starting 22nd. Inspections have been really busy from all reports
  • Vincent_vegaVincent_vega    584 posts
    Huge money, shows signs of a strong economy. Hope everyone gets their money back from racing, we race for 2 bob over here. Will take ages
  • TheDivaTheDiva    13,248 posts
    edited February 2022
    Plenty of people with spare cash because they've had nothing else to spend it on.
    The trainers i spoke to yesterday all said they had plenty of owners interested in what they were buying. 
    Very buoyant first day... interesting to see how day 2 goes.
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  • goosegoose    1,637 posts

    Huge money, shows signs of a strong economy. Hope everyone gets their money back from racing, we race for 2 bob over here. Will take ages

    Not sure about 2 bob it is 70k for a Saturday win with westbreed scheme for 2 and 3 yr olds can be a great return.

    Alot harder to win a race at Flemington or Randwick competing with all the blueblood horses and trainers.

  • TiversTivers    7,720 posts
    True, but also risk pricing ourselves out of business.
    Very much more a "ordinary" mans business here than the "blue blood" hobby of over East / UK etc.
    As they get priced out, and / or burned by the expensive experiance - risk running out of owners / investors.
    Victims of own "success" ?
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