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Turf Talker


  • thefalcon
    hi mate, was just a note to see how things are. i think i stuffed up and its floating around in cybr space. where are you hanging your hat these days. last time we were in contact you were heading to the pilbara/kimberly region.
    i cannot back a winner atm...lady luck is on long service leave. i'll just paddle along until the good lady is back at work.
    hope you are keeping well and backing a few.. i dunno how you do it, betting in all states. i only have a bet in vic. is when my good mate Bookielover sends me one..which rarely win.
    anyway, mate, over and out.
    geoff aka falcon
    November 2021
  • thefalcon
    hello mate, long time since we touched base...hope all is well. ascot back on so time for a few summer punts after a winter of hibernation.
    where are you hanging your hat these days?
    keep in touch.
    cheers geoff aka falcon
    October 2021
  • thefalcon
    hello mate, where are you hanging your hat these days? as you know i bet selectively, having a few bucks on winnies wine in race 8 at northam.
    now...the biggy on saturday..r8...uni time, i'm on at 41/8....will run a big race...have a look at his last run but more importantly, cop his run in the railway...
    hope all is going well..
    geoff aka the falcon
    May 2021
  • Muldoon
    That horse I mentioned in Albany thread waiting for apprentice off, senior rider in next at Bunbury $26 heres hoping.
    February 2021
  • DanielLong
    fuck you
    July 2020